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How To Transfer Flat Files Using SFTP With Xplenty

What is SFTP and What Does It Stand For? SFTP is a network protocol for securely transferring, accessing, and managing files on a remote computer. The SFTP protocol is intended as a more secure alternative to the traditional FTP protocol. The term SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol, where SSH is a cryptographic protocol that allows clients and servers to connect remotely. The files that you send or receive using SFTP are protected by SSH encryption in transit. This added layer of security means that SFTP is preferable to FTP in the vast majority of cases.

What is ETL?

The ETL process involves moving data from a source, transforming the data in some way, and loading the information to the same or a different source. You may feel a little confused the first time you encounter an ETL process. With the right platform, though, you can adjust quickly and learn how to manipulate data to make it more valuable.

Get a Complete View of Salesforce Data with MongoDB

Teri will show you how you can incorporate Salesforce (relational data) into a MongoDB collection (non-relational data) to give your customers a unified customer experience. The webinar will focus on the piece of the puzzle where we read Salesforce data and format it into the shape needed to go into a Mongo collection (a collection is the term MongoDB uses for a data set like a table in a relational database). We’re showcasing the ability to go back and forth from NoSQL to SQL for a unified customer experience.