Richard Clark - Slack Hack Your Salesforce - Integrating Slack with Salesforce (Demo)

Richard Clark - Slack Hack Your Salesforce - Integrating Slack with Salesforce (Demo)

Jul 22, 2021

Slack Hack Your Salesforce - Integrating Slack with Salesforce (Demo)
A talk by Richard Clark
CTO, Provar Testing

A lighthearted look at how you can implement custom events from your Salesforce org into your Slack workspace using Invocable Apex and Process Builder. Find out during this demo how to build the solution from scratch and integrate it into Slack; hopefully with a series of successful messages at the end! The solution will be shared (including the dreaded unit test classes) and a list of possible use cases you could implement - from announcing the latest big deal to celebrating the latest 10/10 CSAT with the rest of the team. The session is suitable for both Advanced Admins and Intermediate Developers and above.

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