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Testing on Mobile Devices with Location Services

Can I change my mobile location during testing? Why do I need to change my location? What is the difference between GPS and Geo-IP? Do the Location Services behave the same way on Android and iOS? How do I handle location permission alert pop-ups? How should I automate tests that involve location services using Appium commands?

Run a Test with Sauce Connect Proxy

See a demonstration of how to run a Java Selenium test through the Sauce Connect Proxy. This video uses a code sample available publicly (links on See how to quickly start a tunnel, update variables, set the capabilities in your test code, then use the command line flag to test through the secure proxy tunnel that is Sauce Connect so you can run your tests securely using Sauce Labs cloud of devices, and share your test results.

Tech Talk : Sauce Performance

This is a Tech Talk around Sauce Performance with one of our main Software Engineers on the Sauce Performance product, Farhan Iqbalhusain Chauhan and the Product Manager, Ada Bogatek. Farhan goes into a full demo in detail of exactly how Sauce Performance works within the Sauce platform and Ada explains the benefits this will bring to your business and exactly why front-end performance testing is important.

What is Sauce Labs? - The Automated Testing Platform

This is an introductions to the Sauce Labs platform for automated testers in January 2021. Learn about the different options for automated testing on Sauce Labs, and the power of running tests in parallel. Explore the different types of tests you can run, and understand how Sauce Labs' platform gives you options and insight to bring you automated testing to the next level.

Your Framework for Success: Introduction to JavaScript Testing at Scale

There are countless ways to set up your automated testing environment. When it comes to stability and maintainability, it’s crucial to choose the right frameworks at the beginning of the journey, to set yourself up for success and save yourself time and headaches further down the road.