SmartBear Expands Cloud Marketplaces Strategy with SwaggerHub Availability in AWS Marketplace

SmartBear Expands Cloud Marketplaces Strategy with SwaggerHub Availability in AWS Marketplace

Apr 26, 2023
less than
1 minute

SOMERVILLE, Mass. — April 26, 2023 — SmartBear, a leading provider of software development and visibility tools, is expanding its cloud marketplaces strategy with the launch of SwaggerHub, one of the industry’s leading API design and documentation tools, in AWS Marketplace, a digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Customers can now buy SwaggerHub directly in AWS Marketplace or via AWS private offers, a purchasing program that allows sellers and buyers to negotiate custom prices and end user licensing agreement (EULA) terms for software purchases in AWS Marketplace. 

“Cloud marketplaces are growing rapidly and gaining customer adoption as a new way to buy enterprise software,” said John Whittaker, Vice President, Cloud Marketplaces at SmartBear.  “We are excited to work with AWS and expand choices for customers who are looking for new ways to identify and buy enterprise software. AWS Marketplace makes it easy for customers to work with SmartBear and AWS sellers to create private offers that can include any product in our portfolio.”  

SwaggerHub is a comprehensive API development lifecycle platform providing design, testing, contract testing, and documentation for development teams everywhere. It also provides the visibility needed for teams to create sustainable processes and practices, shortening the path to great customer experiences.  

For more information on SwaggerHub for AWS, go to: