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9 Best Practices for Application Logging that You Must Know

Have you ever glanced at your logs and wondered why they don't make sense? Perhaps you've misused your log levels, and now every log is labelled "Error." Alternatively, your logs may fail to provide clear information about what went wrong, or they may divulge valuable data that hackers may exploit. It is possible to resolve these issues!!!

Best Practices for Logging in Node.js

Good logging practices are crucial for monitoring and troubleshooting your Node.js servers. They help you track errors in the application, discover performance optimization opportunities, and carry out different kinds of analysis on the system (such as in the case of outages or security issues) to make critical product decisions. Even though logging is an essential aspect of building robust web applications, it’s often ignored or glossed over in discussions about development best practices.

Cost of ELK

Do you know how much your ELK stack costs? Managing and analyzing your data is a critical part of your business. However, the true cost of an ELK stack can be hard to calculate, and the truth is you may be spending a lot more than you think. Elasticsearch wasn't designed to work efficienctly at the scale required by today's data volume, especially the growth of log data. As your data grows, your ELK stack becomes more expensive to scale and maintain, leaving you with the headache and the tab. Well, ChaosSearch has the answer.

It's Time To Turn On The Light With Dynamic Log Verbosity

As we recently discussed, many of us are still lost in the darkness, grasping for a log line to shed some light on the issue we are trying to troubleshoot. Many of our customers and colleagues have shared the following challenges with us: But what if we didn’t have to make such a choice? What if we could easily and efficiently switch on exactly the logs we needed, without hurting our application?

Troubleshooting Cloud Services and Infrastructure with Log Analytics

Troubleshooting cloud services and infrastructure is an ongoing challenge for organizations of all sizes. As organizations adopt more cloud services and their cloud environments grow more complex, they naturally produce more telemetry data – including application, system and security logs that document all types of events. All cloud services and infrastructure components generate their own, distinct logs.

Log all tasks the Shopware 6 queue processes

The Shopware 6 software architecture heavily relies on a message queue to process tasks in the background. This is a fundamental change of how Shopware works compared to version 5, which did not have a message queue. To fully leverage the benefits of Shopware 6 you should make use of the message queue as much as possible.