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How Do I View My Elasticsearch Mappings?

There are two ways you can view the current mappings on your Logit ELK Stacks. One way is to use dev tools in Kibana. You can access Kibana from any of your dashboards by choosing from your dashboard Stack settings > Access Kibana. You can also search for a specific mapping of an Index name. For example if we wanted to see the mappings for the a Filebeat index name we can run the following to return only the desired mappings.

Updates from Bugfender Q2, 2020

Welcome to the Bugfender summer newsletter! As we already announced, we achieved a major milestone recently by releasing the Web SDK, bringing the features you love using to a whole new platform. But as always we want to keep pushing to give you a better product, and we’ve introduced recently some more updates we want to share with you: We hope you find all these updates useful!

Bug Forensics - How to debug an app that communicates with the server

When something crashes in an app, fixing the bug is usually quite straightforward. But apps can also be blighted by bugs that don’t result in crashes, and this is where things start to get interesting. To find and fix these bugs, you will require as much information as possible and probably a combination of tools. Let me explain a process we know as ‘bug forensics’, based on a real bug that has impacted one of Bugfender’s customers.

Using MQTT on Angular Apps

When you’re building a website that needs to be updated in real-time, your first thought is probably to add WebSockets to your application. However Websockets is a low-level protocol and to use it, you’ll need to add another layer on top to manage the information you want to get. This is where MQTT is handy, as it’s a higher-level protocol that simplifies working with data streams.

Closer Integration Announced For Azure Event Hub

We're happy to announce that we have just launched our improved integration for the Azure Event Hub, allowing DevOps & Security professionals to send log data for analysis easier than ever. This announcement comes as Microsoft’s Azure Event Hub reaches its highest global popularity as a data ingestion service. The integration ensures best-in-class performance across a variety of use cases using Azure.

How To Pick The Right Type of Log Data Visualisation

Data visualisations allow users to organise and present log data in a practical, usable, and sensible manner. This tool in log management ensures that the data collected communicates real-time, actionable insights that will support timely and informed decision-making. Knowing which types of visualisation best suits a particular data set is critical in giving data visualisation optimal business value. Here is how to pick the right type of log data visualisation. Pie charts