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A Comprehensive NextJS Router Guide for Developers

ReactJS is undoubtedly the most popular library for developers to build web and mobile applications. Its community is vast, so you get all the support you need as a developer while building applications. However, ReactJS is just a library for user interface development. It encourages us to build applications with the component architecture, which follows a tree hierarchy.

Server-side Rendering with Next.js, React, and TypeScript

In this post, we'll explain what server-side rendering (SSR) is and how it's different from the usual way websites work. We will run you through how to use SSR with Next.js, React, and TypeScript step-by-step. By the end, you'll know how SSR can make websites faster and better.

Next.js or Vite.js: Which Framework is Better, and When?

Two names that have been making waves with their distinct approaches to building web apps are Next.js and Vite.js. Next.js is a React framework specialized in server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), and hybrid applications. It provides features like file-based routing, image optimization, and is particularly suited for projects where SEO and fast initial load times are priorities.

Next.js Libraries: The Next Big Thing in 2023

In the world of a diverse group of frameworks, one of the popular frameworks for ‘hitting the ground running’ is Next.js. Did you know that mobile devices account for 2/3 of all web usage? Given this, it is crucial to optimize websites and develop web applications for the best possible mobile experience. Due to this, developing high-performance web applications and lightning-fast static web pages requires robust technology.

Next.js Incremental Static Regeneration

The way developers approach new web applications has changed due to Next.js. For a long time, dynamic sites used a combination of Server-side Rendering (SSR) and Client-side Rendering (CSR) to display dynamic data in their applications. SSR succeeded well because developers were able to build HTML before passing it on to the browser, allowing search engines to readily crawl it.

How to Log the Web Vitals Of a Next.js App Using Bugfender

Next.js is a complete React framework that provides a rich experience for developers in building web applications. You get a fast and reliable refresh on code changes, support for TypeScript and the ability to create a hybrid static and server-side rendered page. The file system and API routing features make it a go-to React solution for server-side applications.