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To Microservices and Back Again: Insights from Both Sides of Digital Transformation

For the last few years, microservices have been gaining popularity as the software architecture pattern of the day. But even as enterprises grapple with how they can undergo “digital transformation,” some startups are looking back to their monolithic roots. Software Engineer Alexandra Noonan topped Hacker News in July with a blog post about Segment’s journey to microservices and back again.

API Management with Istio - Take5

Kubernetes can be a great orchestration platform for your microservices but these services can grow complex and difficult to manage. Enter Istio, an integrated way to create a network of your services and manage load balancing, authentication, and more! Join us as we walk you through Istio and several ways it can help you wrangle your applications. In this episode, we'll be working with Apigee to manage a full API.

Microservices: Decomposing Applications for Testability and Deployability by Chris Richardson

In this presentation, Chris Richardson describes the essential characteristics of the microservice architecture. You will learn about the benefits and drawbacks of the microservice architecture and when it makes sense to use it. Chris also covers how the microservice architecture is not a silver bullet.

Shrinking to Grow: What Small Can Do for Your Organization by Chad Fowler, CTO & GM of Microsoft

Keeping things small is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your team. Almost everything we've seen in the evolution of software and systems points to one, fundamental truth: small things are more manageable than big things. Small iterations are better iterations. Small methods are better methods. Small teams are better teams.