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5 Embedded Analytics Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

As the business world shifts towards an information economy, more companies are discovering the advantages of having a business intelligence (BI) solution for analytics. Embedded analytics software boosts an organization's main functionality by integrating BI tools and analytical capability directly into software applications, rather than as a separate third-party application.

How To Get More Results Out Of Your Embedded Analytics Platform

Today, data drives everything from strategic business decisions to workout plans. As a result, analytics, visualization, and dashboards are becoming necessary in business software, online websites, and consumer apps. With people needing quick access to data for better insights and decisions, embedded analytics has become inevitable in our work.

Compare Yellowfin: Top BI and Analytics Platforms with G2 Reports

Another year, another wave of positive user-led ratings and responses for Yellowfin. It's been a tough few years due to the global pandemic, with much uncertainty across many organizations and industries. But this period has also seen businesses seize more opportunities, and adopt solutions that help them respond faster to customer demands - some with better business intelligence (BI) and analytics solutions, as one example.

Business Intelligence Platforms vs Embedded Analytics Software: What's the Difference?

The terms embedded analytics and business intelligence (BI) are often used interchangeably. Both help you find key insights from complex datasets. But are they really the same thing? Is there any major difference between embedded analytics software and a business intelligence platform? In this post, you will find all the details.

How to Win Big with Embedded Analytics Solutions

Businesses in every sector confront data roadblocks. Accessing, harnessing and analyzing such a vast quantity of complex information is a tall order, if you're not prepared. It is essential to build a strategy and pick the right solution to handle your business-critical data if you are to assist your customers, end-users and partners in being able to leverage it to the fullest. Will data be your company's weakness, or competitive edge?

3 Examples of Successful Embedded Data Visualization Tools

Today, businesses are hyper focused on developing data-driven applications and experiences. Whether for customers or end-users, they want to offer software that contains interactive dashboards, personalized data visuals, infographics, and charts. The reason is simple: Better access to data in the same workflow means more people will be more data-driven in their decision-making. If you need your application to display data in charts, graphs or other data images, you need embedded data visualization tools.

The History and Evolution of Business Intelligence (BI) Platforms

Business intelligence (BI) is the ability to view and analyze data to provide actionable insights - but this ability wasn't always so available. The BI tools and platforms developed in the early days were very different to the modern analytics capabilities we have today In this article, we will discuss further about the history of business intelligence platforms. We will begin with the definition of business intelligence and its scope.

Data analytics vs data visualization vs BI reporting: What's the difference?

Data is the biggest asset for any business, and its advantages are many. Data can help enterprises better understand their customers, improve advertising campaigns and bottom lines, and personalize their content. However, you cannot access these benefits without proper embedded analytics and reporting tools that make data a true part of your day-to-day workflow. Because while raw data has a lot of potential, a business needs the right tools to access, manage, share and analyze it to great effect.

5 Things To Look For In An Embedded Analytics Partner

Embedded analytics can help companies gather as much information as possible and gain a competitive edge, be it via sophisticated data mining, data visualization, and reporting, capabilities. However, not all business intelligence (BI) partners are equal. This blog will help you identify what you should look for in an embedded analytics partner. Table of Contents.

Why You Need More Than Data Visualization Tools for Business Intelligence

Data visualization tools help turn complex data into intuitive charts, and enable faster understanding of key insights from large datasets. However, for most reporting needs, you need more than data visualization tools for effective business intelligence (BI). For example, not everyone in a team may be technically proficient in SQL, or know how to consume data using charts, graphs and heatmaps.