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API Load Testing Mistake #2: Not Calibrating Virtual Users to Real Users - @SmartBear Talks

A huge part of your strategic plan for load tests built into your app development business processes is understanding and ensuring that the user profiles or the actions that your simulated users take in any testing environment accurately depict what happens in a real-world use case. That's why you need to be very careful with setting up virtual users in your load tests. We will investigate possible issues with Damion White, software testing consultant from WiseClouds, in this video.

API Load Testing Mistake #1: Separating Load Tests from Business Process - @SmartBear Talks

API performance testing becomes highly-demanded in all companies. It's very important to make sure how each single API works, as well as how they work under a different load. Many companies are trying to do API load testing by using the same approaches they use to test single APIs. In this video, we will talk with a world-known API expert, Robert Schneider, about the importance of including API load testing scenarios into a business process.