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How to Find Element by Text in Selenium: Tutorial with Example

The most fundamental step in web test automation is element identification. There are numerous methods for QEs to locate elements. In Selenium, Find element by Text is used to locate a web element based on its text attribute. The text value is mostly used when the basic element identification properties, such as ID or Class, are dynamic and make it difficult to locate the web element. In such cases, it becomes very difficult to locate web elements.

Selenium Get Current URL using Java: Tutorial

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a web address that specifies the location of a resource on the internet. The URL of an application typically refers to the web address or endpoint that allows users to access or interact with the application. The URL of an application can vary depending on the specific application and how it is hosted or deployed. For example, if the application is a web-based application hosted on a server, the URL may look something like this.

A beginner's guide to testing your websites built with the Ghost platform

Suppose you are leveraging the Ghost platform’s powers to run your business or blogging websites and are wondering what factors you need to consider before you deploy and publish it. In that case, this guide should prove helpful, and by the end, you should have a better understanding of testing a website built with Ghost.

Selenium Headless Tests on Browsers: A Step-by-Step Guide

When you execute your tests in headless mode, it means your tests are being executed in the background, without launching the UI. These tests are more efficient to run because the UI does not need to be rendered. When automated tests are executed, headless test execution can improve the efficiency of the tests too. In this blog, we will see how we can use Selenium to execute your tests on chrome in headless mode.

A Complete Guide to Selenium Grid 4: Architecture and Configuration

In the testing community, generally, when we refer to “Selenium,” we are talking about the Selenium client API that helps write test cases. Sometimes, we may mean Selenium IDE, but with the advent of no-code solutions in cloud platforms, Selenium record-and-replay, which was a hit, has lost its charm. However, we forget that Selenium is not just API or record-and-replay. It is made up of four components, and one of the most important among them today is Selenium Grid.

Selenium SendKeys: A Detailed Usage Guide

Selenium Sendkeys is a method used in Selenium WebDriver to simulate the typing of a keyboard key in a web application. With the help of this method, you can send data as input to a text field, text area, and other form elements. In this way, Selenium Sendkeys helps you automate the process of entering data into a web application, making it easier and faster to perform various testing tasks using Selenium.

Page Factory and Page Object Model in Selenium WebDriver

An emphasis on expedited time to market has made test automation an unavoidable necessity in an agile and fast-paced company environment. Automation testers are working hard to make sure that test cases match the features being added to the product as product development moves forward. For instance, even minor UI changes to the web application will cause the test automation scripts to alter if the tests are created without considering scalability and maintainability.

The Complete Guide to Handling Web Elements in Selenium

Are you looking to automate your cross browser tests using the Selenium web automation framework? If so, you must understand Web Elements and how to handle them in Selenium. Whether it’s locating Web Elements in Selenium or performing actions on them, interacting with Web Elements is a key part of any automated test script. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about Web Element handling in Selenium.

A Simple Guide to using Firefox Driver for Selenium to Run your Tests

A Firefox Driver for Selenium is a web driver for the Firefox browser that allows you to programmatically interact with a web page in a Firefox browser using Selenium. It helps you automate various actions as if you were interacting with the website manually. This can be useful for tasks such as web scraping, automated testing, and automating repetitive tasks on a website.

How to test Alerts and Popups in Selenium: The Ultimate Guide

Remember that time when you were browsing a website and got caught by a pop-up asking you to download a guide? Just because you could not find a button to escape that pop-up, you ended up leaving it! Imagine this happens to your application. You might end up losing potential users. As a website owner, this is the worst thing that could happen to you. Thus testing such alerts and popups is essential every time you make a release. A quicker way to do this is to automate your tests.