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Integration Testing Types & Techniques in Software Testing

In software development, integration testing is essential in ensuring that all system components function correctly and work together seamlessly. Critical bugs can go unnoticed without proper integration testing, leading to significant issues in production environments. This blog talks about Integration testing and Types of Integration testing. One example of a bug found in production due to the absence of integration testing is the infamous Equifax data breach in 2017.

14 Top Test Automation Frameworks in 2023

According to recent reports, the demand for automated software testing is continuously increasing. As a result, organizations are constantly seeking reliable and efficient test automation frameworks to save time and money. When many choices are available in the market, choosing the right one according to the testing needs would be the real challenge.

Latest Automation Testing Trends to Look Out for in 2023

As the software development industry continues to evolve and become increasingly complex, organizations must find new ways to streamline their testing processes. Low-code test automation comes into play here. These platforms provide an efficient and cost-effective solution to test automation, empowering engineering teams to create and execute test scripts without extensive programming knowledge.

How to perform Mouse Hover Action in Selenium

An application has different Web Elements like buttons, text boxes, checkboxes, menus, sliders, and more. While testing using Selenium, you can simulate certain scenarios by automating low-level interactions with the WebElement(s) in the DOM, such as keypresses and mouse button operations (such as click, double click, and right-click). One such action is Mouse hover over a web element. Moving the cursor over an element in a graphical user interface (GUI) without clicking is called hovering.

Role of Thread.sleep() in Selenium

When automating a web application, we occasionally run across the NoSuchElementException exception, which is thrown when the element being interacted with cannot be located. The main reason for this error is that the element that has to be interacted with is present on the page but takes some time to load and show up for the user. You can see how this could become a significant problem during automation and cause our scripts to fail.

Exploring Test Case vs Test Script: What's the Difference?

According to recent studies, more than 86% of businesses worldwide now rely on software testing to ensure the quality and reliability of their applications. When a tester begins their testing journey, the first thing they usually learn is how to document test cases. And when they learn test automation, they convert those test cases to test scripts. This blog will take you on a journey to understand the difference between test cases vs test scripts.

API Testing Service: Is Outsourcing the Best Choice for API Testing?

API testing services are becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. With the right API testing service, companies can ensure that their web applications and services are secure, reliable, and performant. But with so many software testing service providers out there, how do you choose the best API testing company? Choosing the best API testing service provider can be a challenging task.

My Career in Software Testing: A Reflection on 3 Mistakes and What They Taught Me

As a software tester, I have been fortunate enough to work on a variety of projects, from web services to SDK (Software Development Kit) APIs, and in different industries. Throughout my journey, I have learned some valuable lessons, mostly from my own failures. In this article, I would like to share those lessons with you. Whether you are an experienced tester or just starting out, I hope these lessons will help you to be more successful and efficient in your role.

Testers, This Appraisal Season, Get The Hike You Desire!

The appraisal cycle is almost upon us. Unfortunately, the timing doesn’t seem right. Major layoffs and hiring freezes. have been announced by several large companies as a result of the economic downturn and over-hiring. Several companies have stopped or delayed appraisals, while others continue to conduct them. Despite the recession, many companies are still doing well. Amidst the layoff season, startups and SMBs are still hiring and opening more jobs.

Different test automation team structures and their levels of autonomy

71% of businesses are using an agile development methodology. Agile emphasizes continuous integrations to produce incremental value often. Although this strategy is fancy in theory, it involves a lot of regression testing for the testers. Maintaining all the application features and offering continuous testing assistance becomes a headache for testing teams, particularly when the application is moving toward perpetual expansion.