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How Software Testers can overcome Brain Fog and Shine Brighter

Hello there, Welcome to another interesting blog that discusses the current hardships that we face. The past few years have indeed been tough for all of us. We were all faced with several challenges, both professionally and personally. One of the primary causes for this was COVID-19. Following the epidemic, we are returning to normalcy. Most of us are still dealing with post-covid symptoms like depression, anxiety, stress, and so on. You may or may not be aware of the implications.

Demystifying GraphQL - Tester's edition

It is high time we put out an edition of the GraphQL tutorial for our QA teams. There is a lot of material and more confusion on how to create GraphQL APIs on the internet. As if the idea of REST was easy for teams to understand – the definition of REST has always stopped just at the abbreviation, Representational State Transfer. Developers and Testers alike don’t really understand the concept. We know how to create REST APIs and how to test them and that works for us.

Mobile Accessibility Testing: All That You Need to Know in Depth

In this digital era, With billions of mobile users worldwide, it’s no surprise that mobile devices are ruling the world. But let’s not forget that everyone deserves equal access to the digital world, no matter their abilities. Unfortunately, users with disabilities often face obstacles regarding mobile applications. That’s where mobile accessibility testing comes in! By ensuring that apps are accessible to everyone, we can make the digital world a better place for all.

5 SQL Injection Testing Methods and Why to Automate Your Test

The SQL injection test is done to see if random data can be injected into the database and will be recognized by the system. Some malicious data can be placed on the database and will cause chaos in the whole system. Malicious data can be accepted even if it is not supposed to go through. Testers will check these vulnerabilities that they can determine through different SQL injection testing methods.

6 elemental principles to be discussed before initiating test automation

Test automation distinguishes itself by making a difference via reducing expenses, boosting productivity, and lowering error rates. No development team, I’m sure, will reject the efficiency that a solid automation suite can establish during a typical development process. The most significant of these traits is that test automation is a collaborative and time-consuming effort.

How To Use Desired Capabilities in Selenium WebDriver and Appium

Desired Capabilities in Selenium and Appium are highly beneficial for automating web and mobile application testing. They allow developers and testers to set various test parameters, such as browser name, version, screen resolution, and more. It makes it easier to perform cross-browser testing and automate user interactions with web elements. With the help of Desired Capabilities, developers can easily create robust automated tests that work across different platforms.

What is API Test Automation? How to Test APIs?

Welcome to the world of API testing. If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking to learn the basics of testing APIs or wondering how and where to start. This article will help you understand more about APIs, what types of tests you need to perform, and how to execute them and what to validate as part of the testing process.

Cypress vs. Selenium- Which framework to choose?

Are you a software tester or a beginner to testing looking for the right automation testing framework for your web application? The choice between Cypress vs Selenium can have a significant impact on the efficiency of your testing process, so it’s important to understand the key differences between these two popular frameworks.

Test Automation Strategy: How LaRedoute pivoted from web-first to app-first ?

From a web-first company in 2015, La Redoute became an app-first company in 2020, with a unified experience across devices. How did they make it possible? What were the challenges they faced? What was the QA strategy that made the transition easy and maintained the standards of quality?

API vs UI Testing: Which One Should You Pick

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, it’s crucial to ensure that the products you build meet the needs and expectations of your users. This is where testing comes in, and there are various types of testing that you can perform to achieve this goal. The two important types of testing are API and UI testing.