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Desktop Application Testing vs Web Application Testing

There are lots of applications that users use these days. Some are accessed via the internet while some of them are installed on the user’s computer. The former being categorized as the web-based applications while the latter falling into the desktop applications category. There are a lot of differences in the operating mechanisms of both and some groups even consider either one of them as being better than the other.

Top Benefits of Data-Driven Test Automation

According to Wikipedia, Data-Driven Testing(DDT) is a software testing methodology that is used in the testing of computer software to describe testing done using a table of conditions directly as test inputs and verifiable outputs as well as the process where test environment settings and control are not hard-coded. In the simplest form, the tester supplies the inputs from a row in the table and expects the outputs which occur in the same row.

Testing vs Quality Assurance vs. Quality Control What's the Difference?

A product, an application, a website, the success of all these do depend on the functionalities built into them. But answer to some questions like “How easy they were to use? How easy were they to understand? Did they do the job without any errors?”, ‘quality’ becomes the most important factor of it all. A developer may build the functionality but a tester determines the quality of the software and how well they were built.

Techniques To Prevent Software Bugs

Creating a bug-free software is hard, to the extent that it seems like a myth. Bugs in software represent the discrepancy between the expected and actual behaviour of the software. Although it’s unrealistic to make software bug-free, efforts can surely be made to minimize the number of bugs in software through various prevention and detection techniques. Prevention techniques are the ones that can be used to prevent bugs from occurring in the software.

Selenium Vs Testsigma | Which is the Best Automation Testing Tool?

As Agile methodology was introduced, the need for fast and continuous delivery of software applications increased. Fulfilling this need, automation testing within organizations increased. Various free open source and paid automation testing tools were introduced. Selenium was the first open-source automation tool introduced and organizations moved towards this tool for their test automation needs.

Cucumber vs Testsigma| Behaviour Driven Development Compared

The BDD tool, Cucumber has a frontend that is written in natural language and reduces the dependencies on developers for the construction of an automated framework. Testsigma is an automated testing tool that further reduces the dependency on developers by removing the programming language’s extensive backend. With the help of these tools, developers can now focus on feature development better and need not worry about automating the tests.

Forever Free Plan From Testsigma Released!

We are happy to announce the launch of Testsigma’s freemium version!! Now Testsigma lets you create simple but efficient web automated tests easily and for free! We are offering businesses the freedom to try and experiment with the tool, without having to worry about the trial period. The free plan can help teams try out how Testsigma simplifies test automation with all that is needed to create stable, reliable, and efficient tests.

How to Write a Good Bug Report? Some Tips

Bug reporting is an important and major aspect of software testing. Some teams discuss minor bugs with developers directly, while most companies make it a point to report the bugs irrespective of its severity. This way, we do not “bug” the developers too much and, the tester who finds it next will not spend duplicate efforts reporting the same bug again. If a bug is not documented, the developer fails to understand the bug or worse, reject it.

Common Software Testing Mistakes Beginners Make & How To Avoid

Software testing is the process of finding bugs or discrepancies in a software. It is a process put in place to check that an application, set to be released in the market for users, has a minimum number of errors. Even though the job of a software tester is to catch errors committed by developers, software testers themselves are not immune to errors. As a beginner in software testing, you would make your own mistakes and learn from them to shape your career path.

15 Remote Working Tips From Experience

Remote work has been steadily gaining popularity for some years now. According to an article published by smallbizgenius, in 2019, the number of people who work from home has increased by 140% since 2005. Now, most of the population is working from home. For most of the companies that had not adapted work from home before, this time has been an eye-opener. Many companies including the big ones like Twitter, Barclays, Mondelez are allowing employees to continue work from home indefinitely.