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Sauce Labs

Keeping Customers Safe: Sauce Labs Achieves Both ISO 27001 and SOC 2 Type 2 Certification for Entire Portfolio

The software testing landscape is a dynamic ecosystem, always evolving and changing as new technologies are harnessed to improve quality and the overall customer experience. As Sauce Labs is dedicated to providing its customers with the digital confidence needed to compete in today's competitive landscape, we are always looking for ways to validate that commitment. One of the ways we put our words into action is by protecting the data of our customers and doing everything we can to keep them safe.

What Is Low-code Test Automation?

It’s hard to overstate how challenging software development is today. The market for web and mobile applications is more competitive than ever. Customers expect their applications to deliver a flawless, beautiful, and intuitive experience every time. Hiring and retaining high-quality software developers and engineers feels next to impossible given the low unemployment rate for IT professionals (just under 2% in the U.S. according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Five Things Testers Wish Every CIO and CTO Understood About Testing

In a perfect world CIOs, CTOs, devs and QA teams would be perfectly aligned. Software would always function the way it was intended, security breaches would be a thing of the past and the movie Top Gun 2 would stop being delayed. Unfortunately, the world is imperfect, but there is a silver lining. Today’s CIOs understand the importance of quality, speed and the value of software testing.

Low-code Automated Web Testing with Sauce Labs

Get started with low code automated web testing on Sauce Labs for any website and web application. Plan, design, execute, schedule, and monitor automated low-code web tests in one place. Make testing faster, more scalable and painless. Generate codeless tests or use plain English to write and automate tests in minutes that capture your intent. Then AI-driven automation generates scripts with self-healing maintenance.

Increase Developer Confidence with Microservices and API Test Automation

In a recently posted article on DZone, “Microservices: Good for Developers’ Mental Health,” Sauce Labs engineer, Simone Pezzano, addresses the link between developer confidence and mental health in today’s new workplace. Pezzano tells the story of his team’s bumpy start on their journey from monolith to microservices. Initially, Pezzano viewed microservices as a scary concept with rapid release cycles and shorter testing times.

How to Write Less Chatty Selenium Tests

“Let’s get to the point” is something we’d all love to say in certain situations. The talkative restaurant server. The aunt who tells the same story over and over. The cooking blog that tells the author’s entire life story before the recipe. These people love to talk but they can’t read the room. They make the listener/reader work extra hard to understand the point, like finding a needle in a haystack.

Sauce Labs Customer Conversations: Byte to Bite Industries

In this Sauce Labs Customer Conversation, Product Marketing Manager Abigail Kurtzman interviews Everett Carney, Byte to Bite's Chief Technology Officer. Watch the video to learn about the ways in which Byte to Bite is revolutionizing tech in the food delivery industry by using a breadth of Sauce Labs testing solutions. Happy testing!

Introducing the MTTRP: Mean Time to Reddit Post

For those not familiar with the acronym MTTR, ‘Mean Time to Recovery’, is the average time your organization takes to bounce back from a product or system failure. All DevOps stakeholders want this number to be low, as it is a good proxy for your organization’s ability to understand and improve its overall processes. Also, low MTTR scores are strongly correlated with customer satisfaction ratings! But we aren’t talking about DevOps metrics today.