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Sauce Labs

Everything You Want to Know About Performance Testing

Just because your app or site works great in the lab doesn’t mean it will perform that way for end-users. Performance testing is essential to understanding how your website or application will behave in the real world. While error testing is about finding bugs in your software, performance testing is about ensuring your code works as intended and delivers the results you expect when a very high number of end-users are attempting to access your service at the same time.

Test Your Website Now Against Versions 100 of Chrome and Firefox

Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers are quickly approaching 100 – version 100, that is. Chrome hits this milestone on March 29 followed by Firefox on May 3. While not the new Y2K, moving into the triple digits could cause errors and compatibility issues for some websites. To get ahead of a potential disaster and keep customers happy, software development teams should check their websites on both Chrome 100 and Firefox 100 before each version is generally available.

How to Find Root Cause Analysis in Your Visual Regressions with Hybrid Diff Benefits

The testing landscape has changed over time to include automated and functional testing as the baseline, but there are still ways to improve your testing because even with a fully automated continuous testing pipeline, there can still be the possibility of bugs existing in your passing tests. One of the ways to mitigate this is by adding visual testing to your testing pipeline.

Beyond Waterfall and Agile: DevOps the Next Frontier

Software development is constantly evolving, from technologies to best practices to methodologies. But the end goal remains the same: how can we bring new features to market faster to keep our customers happy without sacrificing the quality of our product? Enter DevOps. DevOps is an engineering culture or philosophy that aims to increase the speed and efficiency of the software development process so companies can innovate faster while maintaining the integrity of their product.

How to Cross-Browser Test with the Best of the Best

With thousands of different web browsers, operating systems, and device combinations available, it’s impossible for software companies to control their users’ environments. All of these choices put the control in the hands of the user: if your web application or website is glitchy or looks bad on the browser they use, then you’ve probably lost that user as a customer.

Cut Your Error Resolution Time In Half With Mobile Crash And Error Reporting

Fixing mobile software errors is a collaborative effort. Errors and crashes will be identified throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC) by QA, testers, customer support, or users themselves. Unfortunately, there is often a time lag and loss of information as these errors get routed to the programmers who can further triage and resolve.

Automated Testing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Any software application must work properly, generate the right results, satisfy stakeholders, and fit into the organization's overall objectives. Automated testing can help. It may sound easy, but we all know that achieving all of the above takes a lot of effort. Can we take a shortcut without compromising quality or causing costs to explode?

Announcing the Sauce Labs App for Sumo Logic

Sauce Labs is excited to announce a new integration with Sumo Logic, the Sauce Labs App! We first announced our partnership with Sumo Logic last year, and are now pleased to share the news of this integration, one that delivers standardized charts and tables to provide an overview of how certain tests and applications are running.

How Parallelization Can Improve Visual Testing

Harder, better, faster, stronger: depending on your age, these words will probably get Daft Punk or Kanye West stuck in your head. This mantra can apply to web app testing as well: the better and faster your test scripts run, the faster you can fix bugs, release better code, and deliver a stronger web app to make customers happy.