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Kong Gateway for Beginners: Adding a Service, Route and Plugins

In this Kong Gateway for beginners guide, you’ll learn how to do the following. Kong Gateway can simplify scaling microservices by being the abstraction layer that routes clients to your existing upstream service while building a new service. It also applies a common policy for each request and response no matter where the target service is. The benefit of this is that you gain architectural freedom and modernize your application without impacting your clients.

Governing API Management and Connectivity

As organizations adopt an API-first approach, there are many connectivity patterns to consider, and the developer experience needs to be excellent to promote adoption. It can be challenging to enforce API governance while enabling developers to build applications. This session recording covers how an organization can empower developers to use Kong securely, enable access control to the Kong API and Manager, enforce authentication/authorization in applications, and implement a zero-trust security model.

3 Ways Kong Helps With API Gateway Governance

Almost all aspects of businesses are transforming to digital and internet-based solutions. It’s happening from the ground up, starting with developers. You’re building applications for your organizations, and you’re racing to get software and services out to the market faster. The faster your company moves, and the more you build, the more likely you need an API gateway governance strategy.

Creating Your First Custom Lua Plugin for Kong Gateway

This tutorial shows you how easy it is to build a custom Lua plugin for Kong Gateway. My Kong Lua plugin example will automatically add a custom header to any response sent out, indicating the current plugin version. Kong Gateway is built on OpenResty, which extends the NGINX proxy server to run Lua scripts. It sits as a proxy between a client’s requests and routes them to defined services.

Authorizing Microservice APIs With OPA and Kuma

Many companies are leveraging DevOps, microservices, automation, self-service, cloud and CI/CD pipelines. These megatrends are changing how companies are building and running software. One thing that often slips through the cracks is security. With microservices, there’s an increase in the number of APIs companies have to protect. YouTube An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.

Kong Mesh 1.2 Is Here With Embedded OPA Support, FIPS 140-2 Compliance and Multi-Zone Authentication

We are truly excited to release Kong Mesh 1.2 today and introduce three new security capabilities that make it the most secure enterprise service mesh available today. Kong Mesh is built on open source Kuma which Kong created in 2019 and has since donated it to the CNCF. Kuma is a universal control plane for service mesh that is based on Envoy.

How to Use Kong Gateway OAuth2 Plugin

Learn how to add OAuth 2.0 authorization and authentication to your service by integrating Kong Gateway and its OAuth 2.0 plugin. What Does the Kong Gateway OAuth2 Plugin Do? As Kong Gateway sits in front of a resource server, the OAuth 2.0 plugin adds authorization server functionality to that resource server — handling authorization requests, inspecting and refreshing tokens, and permitting or forbidding access to resources.