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How to Customize Your Profile View Experience in Moesif

At Moesif, we’ve put a lot of work into improving viewing details and trends for specific users and companies. This includes our recent addition of adding profile dashboards to add individual and reusable charts to user and company profiles Now, we’ve added even further functionality by allowing users to customize what each individual user and companies profile view looks like.

API Meetup: Venture Capitalist Steve Forte on How to Build Winning Developer-First Companies

In a fireside chat, with VC Steve Forte of Fresco Capital, Moesif's CMO, Lawrence Ebringer, discusses how to master developer marketing and build a billion-dollar company. In somewhat of a wide-ranging discussion, Steve shares his perspectives on.

Ep #14: Erik Wilde on Focusing on the Business Case for your API

Eric Wilde is a prolific YouTuber, author, standards contributor and Catalyst at Axway. He's been working in web technologies and APIs for most of his career. And has just finished the second edition of his book Continuous API Management. Eric shares his perspectives on the business aspects of APIs, specifically.

GraphQL vs REST API: Which is better for API Observability?

API providers need to observe their APIs to get meaningful data about whether and how they are consumed in practice. API observability is a form of monitoring that passively logs API traffic to an observability service. Different from traditional API monitoring, with API observability you: Monitor interactions to improve developer experience Understand how customers use your API Troubleshoot your API Observing REST APIs is well understood and supported, but not every API is a REST API.

You Are Measuring API Active Users Wrong

API providers need to understand how their consumers are using their APIs. Usage metrics are essential because they tell you about API adoption, how your API is growing over time, and which endpoints are seeing more (or less) use. When you look at API usage metrics, you should be measuring the active users on your API in the sense that most closely aligns with your service.

The Stripe Developer Experience and Docs Teardown

In this article, we are going to explore why the Stripe developer experience is so passionately supported by thousands of developers globally. One of Stripe’s missions is to increase the GDP of the internet, and over the last decade, they’ve successfully executed 250 million API requests per day and over 91 billion requests per year through their APIs.

Introducing Profile Dashboards in Moesif

We are excited to announce that Profile Dashboards are now live within Moesif! We have designed Profile Dashboards to enable customer-facing teams with a convenient way to monitor and analyze your customer’s account health. This new feature provides customer specific information in an easy and consistent fashion. Profile Dashboards allow you to see a personalized dashboard for specific users and companies.

Debugging Your APIs with Postman and Moesif

Debugging APIs can be a challenge for any developer dealing with RESTful APIs. Trying to create an exact API request, especially for highly complex requests with large API request bodies and multiple headers, is essential but also tough to do. By using a tool like Postman to create a request for debugging purposes and as an API client, you can easily replay an API request with the exact configuration of the original request.

Keep A Pulse on Your Account Health with Profile View

The Moesif product team has been staying very busy as of late! We have been listening to our partners and gathering feedback, and what we have heard is an outpouring of requests for new tooling that provides a 360-degree-vantage-point into your customers’ account health. As a result, we are very excited to announce that we have released our newest feature: Profile Dash View.