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Write Better Code Using Swift Enums: A Detailed Guide

In Swift, an enum (short for enumeration) is a powerful feature that allows us to define a data type with a fixed set of related values so we can work with those values in a type-safe way within our code. In this article we’ll be taking a closer look at Swift enums and their applications in Swift, as well as providing some real-world examples of how we could deploy them in our builds.

Complete Guide to SwiftUI Lists for Developers

Whether it’s the groceries you need from the store, the chores your mom left on the kitchen counter for when you got home from class, or even things to do before you die, lists are everywhere. Presenting data in a column (or a list) is the most familiar and natural way to organize information in both the analogue and digital worlds.

Complying with Apple's New Privacy Requirements in the App Store

One of the latest changes introduced by Apple is that developers needs to describe the data your app or third-party SDK collects and provide the required reasons of the APIs it uses. To do so, applications and third-party SDKs that are distributed as XCFrameworks, Swift packages, or Xcode projects, need to contain a privacy manifest file, named PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy. Table of Contents.

Swift Standard Library Protocols - A guide to Equatable, Comparable, Hashable, and Identifiable.

There are several protocols featured in the Swift Standard Library that enable generic programming in Swift. By defining common behaviors and functionalities for types and collections, these protocols provide a standard way for types to interact with each other. Today we’re going to take a look at four of the key Swift Standard Library Protocols, these are: We’ll provide a brief overview of how each works, and then how we can implement them in our projects.

Deploying Microfrontends on AWS: A Guide for Developers

If you are new to Microfrontends architecture, it’s a modern approach for splitting the frontend of your application into multiple components, so it’s easier to code and manage. We’ve actually got a separate article, introducing the concept, which you can read here. Or, if you’ve already read that introduction and now want to go a step further, just read on.

Demystifying Microfrontends: A Practical Approach with React and Module Federation

Microfrontends is a modern front-end architectural approach, by which web applications are segmented (or decomposed) into smaller self-contained units, allowing for easier management and scalability. You can our introduction article to Microfrontends to understand better this architecture approach. Today we’re going to provide a step-by-step guide to the process of building a real-world application using React and Module Federation.

Implementing Real-Time Communication in iOS with WebSockets

In iOS, WebSockets enable real-time communication between a client (an iOS app) and a server. Unlike traditional HTTP connections which are stateless, short-lived and request data on demand, WebSockets use a single long-lived connection to send and receive data simultaneously. This significantly reduces response times which is crucial for apps that rely on instant updates and live data to support functions such as chat and multiplayer games.

Swift Networking Essentials: Using URLSession and URLRequest in iOS Apps

Let’s start at the very beginning, so it’s clear exactly what we’re talking about here – in Swift, networking is the process of sending and receiving data between an iOS application and a remote server or another device over the internet.