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Swift Machine Learning: Using Apple Core ML

A sub-discipline of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) focuses on the development of algorithms to build systems capable of learning from, and making decisions based on, data. In iOS development, ML allows us to create applications that can identify patterns and make predictions, adapting a user’s experience by learning from their behaviour.

Best Practices to Use Swift For Backend

In the last article, we gave a general introduction to using Swift for backend development. We discussed its advantages: its robustness, stability and, above all, its simplicity. Now we’re going to drill a little deeper, and provide some best practices that will help you in your day-to-day work. Our work today will focus on Vapor, an open-source web framework that provides a robust foundation for websites, APIs and Cloud projects.

Using Swift as a Backend Technology

Swift is a powerful open source programming language created by Apple in 2014 for the iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS, known for its modern syntax, safety features and fast performance. Designed as a successor to Objective C, Swift has become a hugely popular choice for frontend and mobile app development, and it’s also shaping up to be an excellent choice for server-side development.

SwiftUI Colors: Tips and Best Practices for Developers

It might be a cliche, but first impressions really do count. Whether it’s a first date, a job interview or the UI design of your app, looking the part is a massively important consideration. Today we’re going to look at how we can use the SwiftUI Color structure to enhance the visual appeal of our apps and make the right impression on our users.

Reactive Programming In Swift: Using RxSwift

Our users surprise us every day. They constantly find new and exciting ways to use our apps, and create all kinds of edge cases with their behaviour. As developers, it’s impossible to predict every single edge case. What we can do, however, is train our apps to react, and this is the core of Reactive programming, a development paradigm which has rapidly gained popularity for Swift programmers in recent years.

Write Better Code Using Swift Enums: A Detailed Guide

In Swift, an enum (short for enumeration) is a powerful feature that allows us to define a data type with a fixed set of related values so we can work with those values in a type-safe way within our code. In this article we’ll be taking a closer look at Swift enums and their applications in Swift, as well as providing some real-world examples of how we could deploy them in our builds.

Complete Guide to SwiftUI Lists for Developers

Whether it’s the groceries you need from the store, the chores your mom left on the kitchen counter for when you got home from class, or even things to do before you die, lists are everywhere. Presenting data in a column (or a list) is the most familiar and natural way to organize information in both the analogue and digital worlds.

Swift Standard Library Protocols - A guide to Equatable, Comparable, Hashable, and Identifiable.

There are several protocols featured in the Swift Standard Library that enable generic programming in Swift. By defining common behaviors and functionalities for types and collections, these protocols provide a standard way for types to interact with each other. Today we’re going to take a look at four of the key Swift Standard Library Protocols, these are: We’ll provide a brief overview of how each works, and then how we can implement them in our projects.

Swift Networking Essentials: Using URLSession and URLRequest in iOS Apps

Let’s start at the very beginning, so it’s clear exactly what we’re talking about here – in Swift, networking is the process of sending and receiving data between an iOS application and a remote server or another device over the internet.

Integrating Realm Swift into Your iOS Projects: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re building for mobile apps, you need Realm in your life. It’s specifically designed for mobile devs and even though it’s available on multiple platforms, it’s typically used to develop iOS apps, using Swift. Built on top of SQLite Realm Swift is a very high-level abstraction layer that simplifies database operations for the developer. Today we’re going to unpack it, with a guide that drills so far down into the subject, it’s practically in Australia.