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Getting Started with XPath in Selenium

Selenium is the industry-standard, open-source testing automation framework. To implement Selenium, developers first need to use a locator to find dynamic web elements that help automate the cross-browser testing of their web applications. Selenium uses several locators, including XML Path (XPath). This blog explains how to use XPath as a web element locator in Selenium.

A Detailed Comparison of Katalon vs Selenium [Pros & Cons 2022]

If you are someone who is developing a web desktop or mobile application then you need to run tests to see if everything runs smoothly or not. Doing that with hundreds of manual tests can be exhausting and inaccurate, but because of automated testing software, it’s doable and very easy. However, even with automated tests, you may need advanced programming skills. Today, we’re looking at Katalon Studio and Selenium.

Ranorex vs Selenium : Which is Better? [2022 Updated]

After hours of coding complex web applications and algorithms, amongst many other things, manual tests had to be carried out hundreds of times to ensure the code was right. However, with the introduction of automated tests, things have become much easier for programmers. Ranorex and Selenium are two very popular test automation tools used for this purpose. In today’s article, we will be doing a comparison of Ranorex vs Selenium.

Selenium Alternatives: The 6 Best Options You Can Find

Selenium is one of the most popular and widespread open-source software testing tools for browser testing and automation. With Selenium, people can run automated tests for web applications through various platforms. Unfortunately, this handy cross-browser testing tool does come with some caveats. The good news is that there are plenty of test automation tools you can find in the market – do just one Google search, and you will stumble upon hundreds of alternatives to Selenium.

Selenium and Mobile Test Automation - Can Selenium Be Used for Mobile Testing?

Selenium is a tremendously popular automated testing tool for desktop, web applications. Testing on mobile devices is a major requirement that has grown exponentially in recent years. Why has the mobile testing requirement grown so much? The answer is pretty clear. Just look at how dependent each one of us has become on a mobile phone. Today mobile phones are as vital as breathing for us. That is the reason that going without a mobile phone for even a few hours seems impossible for us.

Selenium Vs Testsigma | Which is the Best Automation Testing Tool?

As Agile methodology was introduced, the need for fast and continuous delivery of software applications increased. Fulfilling this need, automation testing within organizations increased. Various free open source and paid automation testing tools were introduced. Selenium was the first open-source automation tool introduced and organizations moved towards this tool for their test automation needs.