Augmented Analytics Explained

Augmented Analytics Explained

Now more than ever, data will play a huge role in business decision making.

There is a lot of talk about how ‘AI’ and Machine Learning will influence how we live and work in the future. But how does this apply to data, analytics and business intelligence? And more importantly, how can you leverage the power of augmented analytics.

Recently named a Visionary in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms, Yellowfin is at the forefront of Augmented Analytics.

In our upcoming webinar, Yellowfin SVP Daniel Shaw-Dennis will demystify Augmented Analytics, explore the problems that it can solve and help you understand how it could apply to your business or software technology.

Whether you’re a business looking to become more data-led, or a software company seeking to find and retain customers, register now to learn about the role augmented analytics will play.