Flutter & Codemagic: Adding repositories from custom sources

Flutter & Codemagic: Adding repositories from custom sources

✨QuickTips video: Learn how to add repositories from custom sources✨

Mobile developer Lewis Cianci made a video where he explains how to use Codemagic to add repositories from custom sources.

How to add an app to Codemagic from any private or public repository?

When you sign up via OAuth, Codemagic already has access to the repositories you have available on your Git provider account. However, you can add apps from public or private as well as from cloud-based or self-hosted Git repositories.

You can find the exact step-by-step tutorials from Codemagic Docs:
– Connecting repository via SSH: https://docs.codemagic.io/getting-started/adding-apps-from-custom-sources/#connecting-repository-via-ssh
– Connecting repository via HTTP/HTTPS: https://docs.codemagic.io/getting-started/adding-apps-from-custom-sources/#connecting-repository-via-httphttps
– Repositories behind firewall: https://docs.codemagic.io/getting-started/adding-apps-from-custom-sources/#repositories-behind-firewall

Build, test and deliver mobile apps in record time with Codemagic CI/CD: https://codemagic.io/start/