Getting started with the SwaggerHub Portal API

Getting started with the SwaggerHub Portal API

Sep 25, 2023

The #SwaggerHub Portal is an API developer portal designed to provide a seamless and comprehensive experience for teams and companies to showcase their #APIs. This guide will help you get started and understand the value of the SwaggerHub Portal API which enables you to automate the setup and management of your developer portal! 🚀

0:00 Intro to SwaggerHub Portal

0:59 Automate your portal setup

1:42 Intro to SwaggerHub Portal APIs

2:59 Manage portal settings via API

7:54 Create and manage products via API

8:38 Create product using API

11:16 Add content to Product via API

18:39 Benefits of managing portal via API automation

Useful links:

#OpenAPI #AsyncAPI #Swagger