How Can We Improve Website Time on Page and Dwell Time?

How Can We Improve Website Time on Page and Dwell Time?

Jul 14, 2021

Let’s say we notice a drop in either time on page or dwell time on our website. Is this an anomaly or a trend over time? Either way, why is this happening, and what can we do about it?

In this new episode of Data Snacks, we show you how to assess how much time visitors spend on our website pages and how much time they spend when they come from a Google search. 
We’ll show you how to: 
Visualize Google Analytics Time on Page and Dwell Time metrics in a website performance dashboard
Examine both Time on Page and Dwell Time on a longer time scale
Look at load times for the most popular pages to see if that could be behind an observed reduction in Time on Page or Dwell Time on those pages
This information can help you analyze visitor engagement, pinpoint potential problems, and improve the performance of your website.

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