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Answer Data Questions FAST (and Make Better Decisions)

The Databox Growth plan is designed for teams who need quick answers and for analysts who don’t want to be the bottleneck. We took powerful analytics tools you normally find in expensive BI tools, made them easy to use, and packed them into one plan. Then we added AI to help you get those answers even faster!

Forecast Performance | Databox 101 | Chapter 4.2

How many deals will you close next month? How many website sessions will you get? How many impressions will your social channels get? When you don’t know what your performance will be, it’s hard to set realistic goals, craft plans, or have the right team in place. Databox Forecasts helps you predict future performance so you can make more accurate plans now. In this video, you’ll learn: Bookmark this tab AND share the series with your entire company/team! Databox empowers everyone - leaders, managers, and individual contributors alike.

Metrics & Chill - Live Insights to Turn Data into Growth

Want to turn your data into growth? We are back with all-new Metric & Chill LIVE episodes hosted by Jeremiah Rizzo, Director of Product Marketing at Databox. What to Expect: Insightful talks with successful business leaders Actionable insights to improve performance Live shows where you can participate and ask questions Want to attend the LIVE show or get the episodes emailed to you? Sign up at or subscribe to "Metrics & Chill" on your favorite podcast app.

Forecasting Metrics and KPI Forecasting with a Predictive Analytics Software

Forecasting Metrics and KPI Forecasting with Databox - a Predictive Analytics tool has never been easier. With Metric Forecast you can anticipate the future of your most important metrics, such as website traffic, sales revenue, or customer engagement. Adjust Forecasts for holidays, use confidence scores for reliability, and save forecasts to track performance. Say goodbye to guesswork in your digital metrics and start making more confident, data-backed decisions.

Present & Share Performance With Your Company and Clients | Databox 101 | Chapter 3.5

While dashboards let you see real-time performance to answer “How am I doing right now?”, Reports take it a step further. With Reports, you can provide a more comprehensive view of your historical performance - with all the context - to your teams, clients, or stakeholders. In this video, you’ll learn: Bookmark this tab AND share the series with your entire company/team! Databox empowers everyone - leaders, managers, and individual contributors alike.