Mobile Salesforce Testing with Katalon: iOS Simulator

Mobile Salesforce Testing with Katalon: iOS Simulator

Feb 20, 2023

Welcome to our Katalon Salesforce testing tutorial, where we'll show you how to use Katalon Studio and iOS simluator to test your Salesforce applications on mobile devices running iOS. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of connecting to iOS Simulator, launching Katalon Mobile Recorder from Katalon Studio, and recording and running mobile test cases on your Salesforce applications.

First, we'll show you how to add a new mobile device using XCode. Next, we'll cover how to launch Katalon Mobile Recorder from Katalon Studio and create a new mobile testing project. We'll also teach you how to record test steps and capture objects in your Salesforce applications, so you can create effective mobile test cases.

Finally, we'll demonstrate how to run test cases and review the results, so you can quickly identify any issues or bugs in your Salesforce applications on mobile devices.