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September 2023

6 Best Node.js Logging Libraries

You can find the issue by reading the stack trace after a program fails. A stack trace, however, only reveals the status of the application at the time of failure and not before the error was met. Logging packages can help with this. They provide specifics about the behavior of the program before the failure and transmit them to the location you specify, such as a file or a monitoring tool. Node.js has access to a wide variety of logging tools, but not all of them are made equal.

Kubernetes Sidecar Container - Best Practices and Examples

An open-source container management engine called Kubernetes is used to automatically launch, scale, and handle containerized apps. The fundamental unit of a Kubernetes program is a pod. Instead of managing containers, Kubernetes controls pods, and pods enclose containers. A number of containers, storage, IP addresses, and settings that control how containers should operate inside the pod can all be found in a pod. You can operate two closely linked containers together with sidecar containers.

What is gRPC framework? How can we use it more effectively?

It was in 2015 that Google first developed gRPC as an extension of RPC(Remote Procedure Call) to link all its microservices. It was a closed tool operated only in their infrastructure then, but later, they opened it to the public, and gRPC has grown since then with community support. Now, it’s part of the CNFC project.

Nested Loops in Bash - A Beginner's Guide

In Bash scripting, nested loops are similar to having a powerful tool for handling complex data processing tasks. They allow you to navigate through layers of data effortlessly, automating repetitive operations and increasing your workflow efficiency. Nested loops are the versatile tools you can rely on, to get the job done. They bring order to complexity and automation to your workflow.

JavaScript Source Maps: Everything You Should Know

JavaScript has become an essential programming language for web developers. It is used to develop complex web applications with dynamic and interactive features. However, debugging and troubleshooting JavaScript code can be a daunting task, especially when the codebase is large. This is where JavaScript Source Maps come in handy. They provide a way to map the minified or transpiled code back to its original source code, making it easier to debug and troubleshoot issues.

Monolithic vs. SOA vs. Microservices: Which One Should You Choose?

In the dynamic realm of technology, how we conceive, construct, and uphold applications exerts a significant influence on their scalability, ease of maintenance, and ultimate prosperity. Throughout this blog, we will embark on an expedition through the evolutionary trajectory of software architecture.