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March 2021

RabbitMQ vs Apache Kafka: Comparing Message Brokers and Event Streaming Platforms

In an event-driven architecture, event routers are the components that connect event consumers to event producers. Not all implementations of event routers are the same, nor do any of them offer an all-purpose solution, so deciding which one to use depends on your use case and project's needs. Understanding their capabilities and limitations provides key insights that empower you to confidently decide which one to use and prepare you to navigate its shortcomings.

Balancing act: the current limits of AWS network load balancers

At Ably we provide a service that handles high volumes of client connections – multiple millions of concurrent WebSocket and HTTP streaming connections. Said connections are terminated by a set of frontend compute instances; distributing the connections among available instances is the role of one or more load balancers.

A view from inside: How Keboola benefits from using Keboola Connection - The show must go on!

It’s been almost a year since I wrote about using Keboola Connection in Keboola. A lot of things have happened since then: my Bloodborne board game finally arrived, I'm a double uncle… oh, and I got engaged. I also celebrated another anniversary this month - seven years of working at Keboola! And I believe that we’ve made some great progress yet again. Last time, I gave somewhat of an intro to our internal reporting.