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Staying on top of your Kafka with email alerts from

Imagine being out on a Saturday morning, drinking coffee and catching some sun when a message on Slack from a colleague tells you about an incident on your Kafka infrastructure. Fortunately, you are able to identify the problem and correct it from where you are but wouldn't it be good to know about that Kafka broker going down at the time that this has happened? Is there a way to prevent that from happening again? Yes, there is: Lenses alerts.

Secure your Kafka Connect connections with Azure Key Vault

Kafka Connect is a great framework for moving data in and out of Kafka. But doing so requires connections with some of your most important data crown jewels. Customer information held in MongoDB, audits in a S3 bucket, payroll information in an Oracle database. Connecting to these data stores requires authentication.

Apache Kafka Example: How Rollbar Removed Technical Debt - Part 2

April 7th, 2020 • By Jon de Andrés Frías In the first part of our series of blog posts on how we remove technical debt using Apache Kafka at Rollbar, we covered some important topics such as: In the second part of the series, we’ll give an overview of how our Kafka consumer works, how we monitor it, and which deployment and release process we followed so we could replace an old system without any downtime.

Fireside Chat: Neha Narkhede, CTO of Confluent, Apache Kafka & Marco Palladino CTO, Kong

Neha Narkhede, who co-created Apache Kafka, co-founded Confluent and is now its CTO, and Marco Palladino sit down for a far-ranging conversation about the history of Kafka. They also discuss trends driving the software industry, strategies for open core businesses, and the challenges of being a CTO. The conversation closes with both CTOs’ advice for engineers aspiring to found companies or become Chief Technology Officers.