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Apache Pulsar walks into a data bar

Some time ago, the concept of event streaming was not that widespread. In addition to that, the platforms provided were much fewer than today, and required more technical depth to set up and operate. However, as time passed, those platforms matured, community grew, the documentation was improved and the rest of the world started to wake up to the advantages these platforms can bring to address the real-time experiences businesses need. And Apache Pulsar is a great example.

Kafka SMS health alerts via Zapier integration

Systems fail from time to time. And there is nothing worse than being unaware a system is down at all. Which is why we wrote the email alerts from tutorial. But what about those evenings where you are enjoying a documentary or just having an email-free evening? After all, system failures rarely happen at a magically convenient time.

Don't trust Kafka Connect with your secrets

Open source is great but sometimes it misses the mark for security at enterprise levels. Take Kafka Connect, I’ve built a few connectors in my time and prior to its introduction to Apache Kafka back in 2017 I used other hand cranked pieces of software and security was always a primary concern. One feature that will quickly put a blocker on your project being successful is not reaching production. There’s a number of reasons for this but high up, usually top, is security.

Best pre-COVID-19 events for engineers

Events and Conferences are a core element of any growing industry and ours is no different. It’s the easiest way to learn what’s new and to gain a better understanding of any technology. After all, we might love blogs and online courses, but at the end of the day, is there a better way to process any type of information than a passionately delivered speech or a lively discussion?