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How To Create A PostgreSQL Stored Procedure

Introduced in PostgreSQL 11, these procedures are a game-changer for database efficiency, allowing for pre-compiled and reusable SQL code. In this article, we’ll how to create PostgreSQL stored procedures, a key tool for scaling up and streamlining database operations. Whether you’re a novice or an expert in PostgreSQL, this guide offers valuable insights into maximizing the effectiveness of stored procedures in your database management.

REST APIs vs. RESTified Endpoints

Understanding the differences between REST APIs and RESTified endpoints is crucial. REST APIs represent traditional methods of resource access, while RESTified endpoints offer a more dynamic and efficient approach, particularly in environments that necessitate rapid development and flexibility. This article aims to dissect REST APIs vs. RESTified endpoints, highlighting their key differences and determining which might be best suited for specific development scenarios.

First vs. Third-Party APIs

APIs are everywhere, and as a developer, understanding how to implement them is imperative. The goal of APIs is to make life easier and more efficient — both for the developer and the end-user. The main difference between first-party APIs are created and used within an organization’s own systems, while third-party APIs are developed externally and integrated into other applications for added functionality.

Best Kong Alternatives for 2024

As companies strive to differentiate themselves through speed and agility, a well-planned API strategy becomes crucial. However, as demands and customer needs evolve, an API catalogue can quickly become overwhelming. While Kong is a popular tool for organizing API development and management, there are Kong alternatives to consider that may better fit your specific needs. Here’s the key things to know about Kong and the best Kong Alternatives for 2024: Table of Contents.

SQL Server Stored Procedures: Best REST API Calls for Data Integration

System administrators, DBAs, and application developers all know about the need for data integration. That’s when you have to pull data from one database, application, or web service to another. Fortunately, this task is a lot less challenging than it used to be because APIs (application programming interfaces) are so popular today. APIs provide a standard way to share the data and services of one system with another, even if the two systems are otherwise incompatible.

Hand-Coding an API vs. Auto Generating an API | A Comparison

Are you thinking about hand-coding an API? You have the perfect application in mind. It has an attractive UI and achieves everything the customer wants. However, it needs to connect with a Microsoft SQL Server database, so you have to start working on the data model and API. Hand coding APIs offers greater customization and control but is time-intensive, whereas API generation provides a faster, more streamlined approach with automated tools, albeit with less flexibility.

Top 7 API Generation Tools

While APIs are powerful tools, creating them from scratch can be a complex and time-consuming process. Fortunately, the advent of API generation tools has revolutionized this aspect of software development, enabling developers to automate and expedite the API creation process. In this blog post, we will explore some of the top API generation tools available today, each offering unique approaches to simplify and accelerate API creation.

The Best On-Premises Software Options for Businesses

On-premises software is stored on local machines, such as desktop computers or servers, so people connected to a network can access critical features. Within an enterprise context, on-premises software almost exclusively exists on on-site servers that multiple employees can access. You might already know that many business leaders want to embrace cloud strategies.

10 Best API Management Tools

Jeremy H - December 11, 2023 Modern application development and IT infrastructure depend heavily on the use of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and API Management. APIs offer a standard set of rules for systems and applications to connect and interact. Whether you are integrating a new application into an IT infrastructure or connecting the modular components of a microservices-based application, APIs are one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to establish those connections.

How to Secure Your PostgreSQL Database | 5 Actionable Tips

If your business deals in large volumes of data, chances are that you are at least somewhat familiar with PostgreSQL, or you may use it actively in your data management strategy. PostgreSQL is a powerful relational database system, and it is completely open source. As of 2019, PostgreSQL was the second-most-common database solution for professionals. Thirty-four percent of more than 75,000 Respondents reported that it was their first choice.