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Understanding the Basics of Envoy Configuration

Envoy is a key part of a number of service meshes currently on the market, including Istio and the Kuma CNCF Sandbox project. As such, it is often helpful to better understand how Envoy is configured to operate as a data plane in a service mesh. In this session, you’ll learn about the basics of Envoy configuration, like listeners, filters, clusters, and endpoints.

July Germany Meetup - Service integration made easy with Kuma

As we can see, there’s a lot of network communication involved and it must occur in a secure, reliable, and comprehensible way. Since efficiency and agility are critical factors nowadays, we need new, modern approaches, which allow development teams to act autonomously while being able to focus on the important things at the same time. A service mesh like #Kuma can help you to address these challenges in the area of security, connectivity, and observability transparently by moving the responsibility from the application to the infrastructure layer.

Online Meetup: Kong Gateway 2.5 Release

In this session, we get you up-to-speed on the Kong Gateway 2.5 release with a summary of the features and news, including: Kong’s Online Meetups are a place to learn about technologies within the Kong #opensource ecosystem. This interactive forum will give you the chance to ask our engineers questions and get ramped up on information relevant to your #Kong journey.