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GitOps Integration with WSO2 APK: Kubernetes Native API Management

Explore the seamless integration of GitOps with WSO2 API Platform for Kubernetes (APK) in this enlightening screencast session. The need for a robust API management solution that fits naturally into the Kubernetes ecosystem has never been more critical. WSO2 APK emerges as a solution designed to harmonize with Kubernetes-native practices, offering native GitOps integration to API lifecycle management. This session delves into how WSO2 APK not only simplifies the deployment and management of APIs within Kubernetes clusters but also enhances operational efficiency and consistency through GitOps methodologies.

GitTogether | Let's get Meshy with Istio Service Mesh | Leon Nunes

In the world of microservices, networking and Observabilty is always a challenge, often there are different methodologies used. A service mesh is something that standardizes this. Istio service mesh is a mature framework that runs in K8s and provides a standard interface for this In this session we will do a istio 101 and go over how a service mesh helps with microservices and hybrid architectures.

Hands-on Demo: Enterprise ELT Tailored for Heavy Workloads

As organizations scale, data systems often don’t scale perfectly along with them. Data silos, data quality, and tedious technical maintenance - these are just some of the obstacles that enterprise data teams grapple with. In this webinar, Cade Winter, Director of Solutions Engineering at Hevo Data explores the advantages that a cloud-based SaaS approach can provide for large datasets, and how exactly you can implement one to handle your enterprise ELT effectively.

What Are the Security Risks Associated with AI-Generated Code? | Vandana Verma | #QonfX 2024

In this session, Vandana Verma explores the intersection of AI and security in software development. Vandana delves into the potential of AI-powered coding tools like GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT to accelerate project delivery while highlighting the inherent security challenges they pose. Through a hands-on demonstration, Vandana showcases the construction of a demo app using GitHub Copilot, followed by the identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities within the AI-generated code.

Monolith to Microservices: Key Takeaways for the Switch

Back in the 2000s, code lived in one execution thread. Database queries, user interactions, and data pipelines were all managed by the same processes. The problem? Everything was interconnected and interdependent. Fixing one thing might break another. Releases were all or nothing. We call this monolith hell. Your ticket out? Microservices.

Most Prolonged Interaction With the Microservices Conversion

Back in the 2000s, code lived in one execution thread. Database queries, user interactions, and data pipelines were all managed by the same processes. The problem? Everything was interconnected and interdependent. Fixing one thing might break another. Releases were all or nothing. We call this monolith hell. Your ticket out? Microservices.

Analyze audio in BigQuery with Speech-to-Text

Unlock the power of your audio data! This video demonstrates how BigQuery's integration with Cloud Speech-to-Text lets you transform audio files – think customer calls, interviews, feedback – into structured text transcripts. Analyze this data at scale within your data warehouse, fueling smarter decisions and deeper customer understanding.