
San Mateo, CA, USA
  |  By Grace Adamson
Over the last year, as Snowflake has focused on putting AI tools in the hands of its customers, we have prioritized easy, efficient and safe enterprise generative AI. With that in mind, we’re happy to announce the general availability of safety guardrails for Snowflake Cortex AI with Cortex Guard, a new feature that enables enterprises to easily implement safeguards that filter out potentially inappropriate or unsafe large language model (LLM) responses.
  |  By Lena Pennington
Let’s say you are building a house that you plan to put up for sale. You focus on an amazing design, beautiful entry, large windows for plenty of sunlight — things that will create a delightful experience for your future buyer. At the same time, the house also needs less glamorous but vitally important infrastructure, like plumbing, running water, electricity, heating, cooling and so on.
  |  By Arun Agarwal
Today, Snowflake is excited to announce that the Llama 3.1 collection of multilingual large language models (LLMs) are now available in Snowflake Cortex AI, providing enterprises with secure, serverless access to Meta’s most advanced open source model. Snowflake offers the largest context window of any vendor, at 128k, for the Llama 3.1 collection of models.
  |  By Robby Thomas
A robust, modern data platform is the starting point for your organization’s data and analytics vision. At first, you may use your modern data platform as a single source of truth to realize operational gains — but you can realize far greater benefits by adding additional use cases. In this blog, we offer guidance for leveraging Snowflake’s capabilities around data and AI to build apps and unlock innovation.
  |  By Jennifer Belissent
A potential recipe for disaster proved to be the focus of every data executive’s agenda over the last year. A year ago many data leaders were caught off-guard. Employees embraced new gen AI tools with fervor, driving interest in all AI initiatives. Generative AI had penetrated the enterprise, with gen AI positioned in the Peak Of Inflated Expectation segment on the Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial IntelligenceI, 20231.
  |  By Jennifer Belissent
There is a scene in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation where Tom Cruise is hanging onto the outside of a jet as it has taken off. And while, yes, he’s going with it, he’s not really on board or in control. Some data executives feel like that. It’s not enough to establish goals — or, the destination in this metaphor. The data strategy must provide a flight plan for making sure you get there — on time, on budget and, of course, safely on board.
  |  By Sully McConnell
There is a growing recognition that insurers can introduce data, analytics and AI into virtually all of the important insurance functions and workflows, including product development, pricing and risk selection, underwriting, claims management, contact center optimization, distribution management, reinsurance, and understanding and shaping customer journeys. Here are some of the exciting ways insurance companies can put data to work.
  |  By Snowflake
Despite the seemingly nonstop conversation surrounding AI, the data suggests that bringing AI into enterprises is still easier said than done. There’s so much potential and plenty of value to be captured — if you have the right models and tools. Implementing advanced AI today requires a solid data foundation as well as a set of solutions, each demanding its own tools and complex infrastructure.
  |  By Jesse Cugliotta
Much has been said about how generative AI will impact the healthcare and life sciences industries. While generative AI will never replace a human healthcare provider, it is going a long way toward addressing key challenges and bottlenecks in the industry. And the effects are expected to be far-reaching across the sector.
  |  By Snowflake
When Snowflake acquired the TruEra AI Observability platform, we committed to keeping TruLens open source. We’re not only keeping that promise; we’re emphasizing it. Our goal remains to support LLM app developers in creating trustworthy generative AI applications. In the weeks since the acquisition, we have already added ecosystem-friendly enhancements including: We plan to continue making enhancements and improvements that benefit the community at large, whether on Snowflake or not.
  |  By Snowflake
In this episode of "The Data Cloud Podcast," Kallol Dutta, Head of Transformation at Spark NZ, talks about the idea of the minimum viable data concept, Spark New Zealand’s vision for becoming a cloud software company, and why he considers himself a techno-optimist.
  |  By Snowflake
Nick Jewell, Senior Principal Product Marketing Manager at Alation, demonstrates how to use the Alation Data Intelligence Platform to easily find, understand, and use trusted data.The demo focuses on how data engineers, data governors, and data users can leverage Alation and Snowflake Horizon to more efficiently ingest, monitor, and share governed data.
  |  By Snowflake
The Snowflake Connector for MySQL and PostgreSQL provides instant access to your data within Snowflake, making it easy to correlate your data with data from other sources, ultimately driving new insights into business operations. The Connector also leverages Snowflake’s built-in security and reliability capabilities and provides IT departments with significant cost and speed advantages. During this demo, you will see how you can set-up, configure, and utilize the Connector with a few clicks via Snowflake Marketplace.
  |  By Snowflake

View the full Sigma interview here:

#snowflake #shorts #60seconds #data #datacloud #AIDataCloud #technology #AI #genAI #AIDataCloud

  |  By Snowflake
In this demo, Anoosh Saboori, Principal Product Manager at Snowflake, shows you how you can follow security best practices and quickly take action with Trust Center in Snowflake Horizon. Trust Center is now in general availability.
  |  By Snowflake

View the full "Powered by Snowflake" Material Security interview here:

#snowflake #shorts #60seconds #data #datacloud #technology #productivitysuite #cybersecurity

  |  By Snowflake
Amber Electric is on a mission to help shift Australia to 100% renewable energy. They are powered by a desire to show people that a win for the planet is a win for them too. The Snowflake AI Data Cloud has proven to be a hit at Amber Electric thanks to its easy-to-use interface, cost effectiveness, and scalability, helping the company streamline its customer invoicing and, as a result, customer experience.
  |  By Snowflake
Learn how Zoom built an internal enterprise AI tool that enables sales and marketing teams to directly ask questions to data through natural language. The security and governance of the AI Data Cloud enabled data scientists to confidently leverage its Cortex AI and Streamlit features to build the enterprise AI app.
  |  By Snowflake

View the full "Powered by Snowflake" Informatica interview here:

#snowflake #shorts #60seconds #data #datacloud #technology #dataanalytics #datamanagement #GenAI

  |  By Snowflake
In this "Data Cloud Podcast" episode, David Cohen, Chief Data Officer at Weight Watchers, shares his thoughts on why having silos of information hobbles an organization and how Snowflake continues to help Weight Watchers do its job well. He also walks through the important distinction between what it means to be data-informed versus data-driven.
  |  By Snowflake
There's never been a better time to be an entrepreneur looking for investment funding. Global venture capital activity grew mightily in the first half of 2021, and the trend appears to be continuing as we head into 2022. However, that doesn't mean building a new company is any easier. The same inherent resource and growth challenges exist, and venture capitalists still want to see value creation and strong indicators for future success before they invest.
  |  By Snowflake
Data scientists require massive amounts of data to build and train machine learning models. In the age of AI, fast and accurate access to data has become an important competitive differentiator, yet data management is commonly recognized as the most time-consuming aspect of the process. This white paper will help you identify the data requirements driving today's data science and ML initiatives and explain how you can satisfy those requirements with a cloud data platform that supports industry-leading tools.
  |  By Snowflake
Many organizations struggle to share data internally across departments and externally with partners, vendors, suppliers, and customers. They use manual methods such as emailing spreadsheets or executing batch processes that require extracting, copying, moving, and reloading data. These methods are notorious for their lack of stability and security, and most importantly, for the fact that by the time data is ready for consumption, it has often become stale.
  |  By Snowflake
DELIVER ALL YOUR DATA WORKLOADS WITH SNOWFLAKE Gartner predicts that 75% of all databases will be deployed or migrated to a cloud platform by 2022. But how does e a cloud data platform enable a long-term strategy for maximizing all of an organization's data assets? Snowflake's cloud data platform is a highly extensible, multi-region and multi-cloud platform that powers all types of data workloads. Specifically, Snowflake: To learn everything Snowflake offers today's, forward-looking organizations, download our white paper, Snowflake: One Cloud Data Platform for All Your Analytic Needs.
  |  By Snowflake
Most companies that build software have a strong DevOps culture and a mature tool chain in place to enable it. But for developers that need to embed a data platform into their applications to support data workloads, challenges emerge. DevOps for databases is much more complex than DevOps for code because database contain valuable data, while code is stateless. Instantly creating any number of isolated environments Reducing schema change frequency with variant data type
  |  By Snowflake
Companies are moving workloads to the cloud as they seek to improve speed, scale, and agility. Today's data warehouse managers want to boost analytics productivity, increase the ability to scale instantly, and ingest and support a diverse set of data without bottleneck delays. In this white paper, we explain how Snowflake delivers the speed, scale, and agility organizations need for data-driven decision-making.
  |  By Snowflake
Financial institutions are embracing cloud-based data technologies to improve their service and product offerings, streamline operations, and gain deeper customer insights. This ebook features success stories about the many ways financial services companies are leveraging Snowflake Cloud Data Platform to build a 360 degree view of customers, accelerate financial analysis with unlimited scale, and keep sensitive and regulated data secure.
  |  By Snowflake
Read about Snowflake's comprehensive approach to protecting data and access to data.
  |  By Snowflake
As companies have recognized the importance of unifying customer data to obtain business insights, customer data platforms that consolidate and activate known customer information have become ubiquitous. Customer data platforms enable marketers to segment and share customer profiles with marketing systems to personalize the content of email campaigns, digital ads, and other channels. In this ebook, we explore how marketers can launch and operate a customer data platform successfully, with a focus on how to.

Snowflake’s mission is to enable every organization to be data-driven. Our cloud-built data platform makes that possible by delivering instant elasticity, secure data sharing and per-second pricing, across multiple clouds. Snowflake combines the power of data warehousing, the flexibility of big data platforms and the elasticity of the cloud at a fraction of the cost of traditional solutions.

Conventional data platforms and big data solutions struggle to deliver on their fundamental purpose: to enable any user to work with any data, without limits on scale, performance or flexibility. Whether you’re a data analyst, data scientist, data engineer, or any other business or technology professional, you’ll get more from your data with Snowflake.

What Makes Snowflake Unique:

  • A Multi-Cluster Shared Data Architecture Across Any Cloud: Easily scale up and down any amount of computing power for any number of workloads or users and across any combination of clouds, while accessing the same, single copy of your data but only paying for the resources you use thanks to Snowflake’s per-second pricing.
  • Secure Data Sharing and Collaboration: Eliminate the cost and headache of static data sharing methods by easily sharing any amount of live structured and semi-structured data, without having to move data, whether it be across your enterprise, with customers and business partners, or to monetize your data.
  • One, Near-Zero Maintenance Platform Delivered as a Service: Choose any combination of infrastructure providers, enable your workloads where you want, rely on Snowflake to manage the data platform, and deploy across and between different clouds and regions to support business efficiencies and data sovereignty.

A Modern Data Platform Built For Any Cloud.