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Create your Private Data Warehousing Environment Using Azure Kubernetes Service

For Cloudera ensuring data security is critical because we have large customers in highly regulated industries like financial services and healthcare, where security is paramount. Also, for other industries like retail, telecom or public sector that deal with large amounts of customer data and operate multi-tenant environments, sometimes with end users who are outside of their company, securing all the data may be a very time intensive process.

k6 load testing on Kubernetes using the k6 Operator, with Hans Knecht (k6 Office Hours #34)

Nicole van der Hoeven (Developer Advocate) is joined by Hans Knecht, Principal Cloud Engineer at Mission Lane, to talk about Hans's specific use case for k6, and how he does distributed load testing with it for free on a Kubernetes cluster using the k6 Operator.

Supercharge Kubernetes Ingress with Kong

When services are exposed outside a Kubernetes cluster, you need to take care of authentication, observability, auditing, encryption and integrations with other third-party vendors, amongst other things. In this demo, @Viktor Gamov introduces Kong Ingress Controller and how you can use it in your applications that run in a Kong Mesh-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

Solve These Common Kubernetes Challenges Early

Changing the technology an organization works with is a bit like taking up a new sport. Your initial excitement leads you to buy the most expensive equipment you can find, leaving you soon to realize that your new tools have created a steep learning curve. Transitioning out of monolithic applications to microservices is quite similar.