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Introducing Trends 2021 - "The great digital switch"

Many companies do them, and you will see them scattered everywhere. Our ambition around trends is different though. We want to contextualize and embed trends into a broader theme, capturing the zeitgeist. That way the strands become interwoven into a fabric, showing a structural pattern and hopefully also indicating where we are heading.

Qlik Welcomes to Accelerate Active Intelligence

Incredibly excited about today’s news that Qlik has acquired’s easy-to-use, scalable and secure embedded integration and automation platform (iPaaS) will expand our ability to deliver on our vision of Active Intelligence, where real-time, up-to-date data triggers immediate action to accelerate business value across the entire data and analytics supply chain.

Failing to Succeed in Data Analytics? Try DataOps

We live in a Fourth Industrial Revolution, where data is the lifeblood of business. Those of us who harness the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning and augmented analytics to uncover insights from data are the ones who will be able to find better ways of driving efficiency, productivity and superior business outcomes.

How We Teach The Leaders of Tomorrow To Be Curious, Ask Questions and Not Be Afraid To Fail Fast To Learn Fast

The data age has been marked by numerous “hype cycles.” First, we heard how Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning (ML) and Advanced Analytics would have the honor to be the technologies that would cure cancer, end world hunger and solve the world’s biggest challenges. Then came third-generation Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain and soon Quantum Computing, with each one seeking that honor.