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Subdomain Takeover: Ignore This Vulnerability at Your Peril

Management thinks that letting folks from WidgetCo log into will really help make the sale. It seems harmless enough. But using a custom subdomain like this can open WidgetCo up to potential security issues. In this article, Julien Cretel introduces us to Subdomain Takeover attacks and discusses ways we can mitigate them.

Protecting Your Apps From Link-based Vulnerabilities: Reverse Tabnabbing, Broken-Link Hijacking, and Open Redirects

Links are so fundamental to web development that they're almost invisible. When we link to a third-party page, we hardly ever consider how it could become an opportunity to exploit our users. In this article, Julien Cretel introduces us to three techniques that bad actors can use to target our users and discusses how to avoid them.