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Optimizing iOS workflows with Marcos Griselli | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Marcos is an iOS developer and open-source contributor from Argentina. As an active member of the Swift community in Buenos Aires, he hosts and co-organizes the SwiftBA meetups. Last year, along with Josefina Bustamante and Facundo Menzella, he also organized Swiftable, the very first English-language iOS conference in South America.

Fintech, Flutter, and tech leadership with GDE Mariano Zorrilla | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Mariano is an Android Tech Lead and a passionate member of the Flutter community: besides recently becoming a Google Developer Expert, he also founded the San Francisco Cross-Platform SFXP meetups, where developers share knowledge and experiences in cross-platform development.

Mastering continuous deployment with Keegan Rush | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Keegan is an iOS and macOS Developer, and — along with Pietro Rea — a co-author of the recently published book, iOS App Distribution & Best Practices. The book is a how-to guide for everyone who wants to deploy apps, whether they are becoming Mobile DevOps practitioners or release managers in their team.

Scalable mobile app security testing with the new NowSecure integration on Bitrise

More than 70% of time spent on digital media is spent using mobile apps, and we have to prepare for more frequent hacker attacks. With the partnership of Bitrise and NowSecure, you can be assured that your apps are safe and supported by a fully automated security and privacy testing software.

7 Steps to Ultra-fast Mobile Continuous Integration

Speed is the name of the game in continuous integration. The quicker a developer can get feedback on their changes, the quicker they can address problems and move on to the next feature. Imagine shaving 10 minutes off your build. For a developer pushing code 5 times a day, this is 40 hours of time savings a year! In this session, Ben Boral, Solutions Engineer at Bitrise will offer 7 actionable tips that mobile developers can apply to their own CI pipelines to enjoy super fast CI responsiveness.