Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Alexa for Bitrise CI/CD: Introduction to serverless with AWS Lambda and Bitrise API - Part 1

In this tutorial, we will share some hands-on experience on how to use the AWS Lambda, learn to design and build a Serverless function to trigger Bitrise builds with Bitrise API via the custom Lambda function.

Automatic iOS code signing options Bitrise Feature Updates

We simplified iOS code signing on Bitrise. Now there are two ways to automate code signing on Bitrise: using Xcode Build/Archive Steps (with iOS Auto Provision steps merged into them) or the 'Manage iOS Code Signing' Step instead. In both cases, we've reduced the number of things that could go wrong. Presented by Anna Bátki, Product Marketer at Bitrise. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

Getting Ready for Mobile CI/CD on Apple Silicon M1

As Apple leaps forward from Macs built with Intel-based chips to Macs with ARM-based chips, this transition means both Bitrise and our customers, need to update tooling and software in preparation for this transition in order to take full advantage of the Apple Silicon for the development work.