Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


A guide to write your tests for your Android apps

Learn how to write your tests for your Android applications! In this series of articles, you will learn how to do testing on your Android app and libraries. We will give you the most valuable and critical knowledge about testing and finding the issues in your app, and showcase how to write your test cases and how to run them in CI.

Bitrise for Indie Developers | A walkthrough by Kevin Toms

If you are an indie developer working on mobile apps, you have plenty of challenges to look out for on top of creating a great app. Bitrise can help with these and other challenges through the Bitrise CI/CD cloud-based platform and its integrations with other systems and tools. Kevin Toms, Developer Advocate is here to guide you through the whole process of using Bitrise if you are an indie developer.

Scale-up Mobile UI Tests - Moataz Nabil at Google Cloud Budapest | Bitrise Talks

Join Moataz Nabil for his talk about scale-up mobile UI tests with Firebase Test Lab, Cloud Function and Bitrise! 🚀 This presentation was watched live by attendees at Google Cloud Budapest 2021. At this meetup, attendees talk about interesting case studies and share some tips and tricks on infrastructure, app dev, data engineering, and machine learning. Presenter: Moataz Nabil | Developer Advocate at Bitrise ‎ Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.