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Take your mobile monitoring to the next level

While there’s room for debate in what constitutes sufficient monitoring for a mobile app, it’s no question that if you wait long enough for users to report issues, then soon you will have no users. For most mobile development teams, you are not measured against how many features you deliver or bugs you fix, but by how successful your app is and how much value it delivers to users. As a result, you need to know where the app is providing a subpar experience and why.

Report: The 5 main benefits you can expect from migrating your app to cloud CI

Our research finds that leaving Jenkins behind results in a higher return on investment, thanks to predictability of resource requirements and freed-up capacity. Read our new report focusing on the business impact of switching to cloud-based CI.

Taking open-source to the next level at Bitrise - Step by step

One of the reasons I joined Bitrise was the awesome community and the fact that most of the codebase here is actually open-sourced. If the Step Library is the brain of each and every build running on Bitrise, the open-source community must be the heart of it, playing a key role in the success of our product. That's why we have some plans to do more amazing things.