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Rapid B2B Integrations With Ballerina and Choreo

Many business processes involve communicating with external parties such as suppliers, logistics providers, insurance providers, and government institutions. Unlike internal communications, these inter-organizational communications usually have to follow various regulations and standards, and could introduce delays if one party doesn’t comply. Therefore, effective business-to-business (B2B) integrations are a key part of most digital transformation projects.

Post-Quantum Hybrid Encryption with Ballerina

As highlighted in the Quantum-Safeness of WSO2 Products blog, there is an urgent need for alternative asymmetric encryption methods. Post-quantum algorithms (Q) are gradually gaining prominence but require time to establish trust within the industry. Therefore, combining classical (C) and post-quantum (Q) Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) ensures resilience against classical and quantum attacks. The Ballerina Swan Lake Update 9 release adds support for post-quantum secure end-to-end encryption.

Developing Agile ETL Flows with Ballerina

Organizations generate vast amounts of data daily during various business operations. For example, whenever a customer checks out out at a retail outlet, data such as the customer identifier, retail outlet identifier, time of check out, list of purchased items, and the total sales value can be captured in the Point of Sales (PoS) system. Similarly, field sales staff may record possible sales opportunities in spreadsheets.