Multi-Cloud Connectivity with a Service Mesh ZeroLB Pattern

Multi-Cloud Connectivity with a Service Mesh ZeroLB Pattern

Nov 2, 2021

In this demo, Ross McDonald shows how Kong Mesh delivers secure, seamless application connectivity across different clouds and runtimes, allowing administrators to abstract multi-cloud and on-premise infrastructure into a truly “write once, run anywhere” model.


0:00 - Intro

0:10 - Zero-Load Balancer (ZeroLB) Architecture Overview

1:28 - Redis Counter Application Without Locality-Aware Load Balancing

2:00 - Kong Mesh Setup Overview

2:41 - Enabling Locality-Aware Load Balancing in Kong Mesh

4:03 - Simulating Success

4:30 - Simulating Failure

5:18 - Conclusion

Learn more about the ZeroLB Pattern:
Watch more recordings from Kong Summit here:

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