What's new in Kong Ingress Controller 2.9 - GRPCRoute #gatewayapi #kubernetes #ingress #grpc

What's new in Kong Ingress Controller 2.9 - GRPCRoute #gatewayapi #kubernetes #ingress #grpc

Apr 1, 2023

This tutorial will dive into a new addition to Gateway API - GRPCRoute - with KIC 2.9!

Are you familiar with the power of Gateway API's HTTPRoute for directing traffic?
In version 0.6.0 of the Gateway API, the Gateway SIG introduced the experimental GRPCRoute to support gRPC, a popular communication protocol many companies use today.

gRPC, built on top of HTTP 2.0, offers a great abstraction for developers, enabling bi-directional streaming and excellent low-latency performance. With auto-generated gRPC servers and clients, you can rely on a well-defined schema for message exchange.

In our latest release, we've added support for this innovative experimental feature, allowing you to proxy gRPC traffic to Kong Gateway with both Ingress and Gateway API resources. It's now easier than ever to harness the power of gRPC with Kong!

@ViktorGamov, a principal developer advocate at Kong, will guide you through a new feature.

Read more details in the official announcement blog https://konghq.com/blog/kong-ingress-controller-2-9