Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Play with the Speedscale - no registration required

For the first time, Kubernetes engineering teams interested in learning more about Speedscale will be able to play with the framework without registering, at Engineers can see firsthand how you: While users won’t be able to actively watch replays run, there are a variety of pre-created traffic snapshots, reports and configs to browse. Engineers will be able to experience the ease with which snapshots are generated for fast, scalable test automation.

A Concise Introduction to REST APIs

A REST API — or representational state transfer application programming interface — is a data interface that allows for the creation and consumption of resources. It’s not just for GET requests, but also for other HTTP verbs such as PUT, POST, and DELETE. REST APIs can also handle CRUD (Create, Read, and Update, and Delete) operations. In this way, a REST API is a software bridge between two levels of abstraction in a system.

App Development: 3 Ways to Add an API to Your App

Applications that use a REST API architecture are designed to be loosely coupled and transfer information quickly. While this architecture focuses on transferring data between clients/servers, it can also apply when interacting with other systems and users. In the world of app development, the need for better, faster, and easier-to-understand APIs is growing, and REST APIs are dominating the legacy modernization conversation.

5 Ways API-Led Connectivity Is Changing Business

With more data and systems at their fingertips than ever before, organizations need a concrete strategy for how to connect them with their own enterprise IT. This has led to the rise of API-led connectivity, which offers a dramatic shake-up to the way that companies access and integrate these technologies and services. In this article, we’ll explore five industries in which API-led connectivity has changed the business landscape as we know it.

Hiding SOAP Legacy Applications Using the Mullet Pattern

In this episode of Kongcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Aaron Weikle, the founder and CEO at MS3, about supporting legacy-based applications as companies add the next generation of microservices. Check out the transcript and video from our conversation below, and be sure to subscribe to get email alerts for the latest new episodes.

Vanity Metrics for APIs vs Tracking Business Value From API Transactions

As an API product manager, you want your API to have a great developer experience. This means that developers can get up and running quickly, they get consistent behavior from your API, it’s easy for them to troubleshoot any errors they encounter, and your API makes it easy for them to address their business needs. Tracking your APIs is an important part of understanding how well they perform, which leads most organizations to build out their own internal API tracking systems.

Hiding SOAP Legacy Applications Using the Mullet Pattern With Aaron Weikle | Kongcast Episode 4

Organizations don’t move as fast as technology. That’s why in this Kongcast episode, Aaron Weikle, Founder & CEO at MS3, explains how to continue supporting your organization’s legacy-based services as they continue to add the next generation of services. If you're planning on migrating legacy applications to microservices this episode if for you!

How to Generate a Snowflake API

Customer demand is in a constant state of fluctuation. Companies must keep pace or risk losing their position in a crowded market. Digital transformation is the driver to helping companies remain agile to meet their customers’ needs. The Snowflake data warehouse provides massive storage capabilities to facilitate combining figures from disparate systems. These figures help inform decision-making and provide valuable insight into driving business strategies.

Demo: Zero Trust Security with Service Mesh

As the number of microservices increases and deployed across private and public networks, security is critical. Leveraging a Service Mesh guarantees the security of applications and services without burdening developers to build security, freeing them to focus on business logic and allowing organizations to meet and prove their compliance and security requirements. TIMECODES #ZeroTrust #ServiceMesh #mtls #OPA #KongMesh #KongSummit