Hiding SOAP Legacy Applications Using the Mullet Pattern With Aaron Weikle | Kongcast Episode 4

Hiding SOAP Legacy Applications Using the Mullet Pattern With Aaron Weikle | Kongcast Episode 4

Nov 15, 2021

Organizations don’t move as fast as technology. That’s why in this Kongcast episode, Aaron Weikle, Founder & CEO at MS3, explains how to continue supporting your organization’s legacy-based services as they continue to add the next generation of services.

If you're planning on migrating legacy applications to microservices this episode if for you!

More about MS3's Kong SOAP plugins: https://www.ms3-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Kong-SOAP-Adapter-WEB.pdf

More about the DataSonnet project: https://datasonnet.com/

Contact MS3 to learn more: https://www.ms3-inc.com/

Subscribe to get email alerts for the latest new episodes and see which guests are coming on the show next: https://bit.ly/3zQV71e

▬▬▬▬▬▬ TIMECODES ▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 Kongcast Show Intro

0:28 Welcome, Aaron!

2:19 Mullet Pattern vs. Strangler Pattern

3:21 Kong Gateway SOAP Plugins to Integrate Legacy Applications

5:16 SOAP Request Validation

7:37 Legacy Mullet Plugin

9:38 DataSonnet and Java PDK

11:45 Demo: Custom WSDL Kong Plugins

21:45 Thanks for Joining, Aaron!

23:28 Kongcast Show Outro

▬▬▬▬▬▬ ABOUT KONGCAST ▬▬▬▬▬▬
Hosted by @Viktor Gamov and Kaitlyn Barnard, we interview software developers and technology leaders at the top of their game every other week. We’ll also give you the tools, tactics and strategies you need to take your distributed architectures to the next level. Kongcast goes beyond the buzzwords and dissects real-life applications and success stories so that you can tackle your biggest connectivity challenges.

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#MulletPattern #StrangularPattern #APIGateway #KongPlugins #KongGateway #Kongcast