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How to Develop a Cloud Native Infrastructure

More and more companies are eager to move their operations to the cloud. Yet, there’s quite a bit of ambiguity on what moving to the cloud actually means. Is your business running in the cloud while you host your database on another platform or while you rely on a third-party service to handle your payments? That’s a good start for moving to the cloud, but there are many other aspects to consider when building a cloud native infrastructure.

Salesforce Rest API

REST API provides a solution for communicating easily with various apps, platforms, and web services. This tool allows the user to communicate and execute actions universally with various languages and more. Companies implementing REST API stand to gain a better experience and create more flexibility when using ERPs, CRMs, and more like Salesforce. When users connect to Salesforce with a REST API, they get more flexibility and options that make the process more actionable and streamlined.

The 10 Best APIs for Start-ups in 2021

If your startup is planning to build an app, you’re going to need an Application Programming Interface, better known as an “API.” The role of an API is to give your app a set of directions so it can get all the information it needs to interact with your business. APIs are extremely valuable, but they can also be difficult to navigate. Here’s a look at the 10 best APIs for start-ups that will ensure your business has the fundamental technology needed to be successful in 2021.

5 Trends to Look Out for in API-Led Connectivity

Businesses are in a constant battle to adapt to constantly changing customer demands. To remain competitive, organizations must have a strategy that allows them to address those needs. API-led connectivity enables companies to be agile and respond to customer needs. API-led connectivity is not simply a technology, but a critical business strategy. Here we’ll discuss five of the top trends for API-Led connectivity.

Service Mesh 102: Envoy Configuration

In my Service Mesh 101 article, I talked about some of the basics behind a service mesh: what it is, what it does and where Envoy fits into a service mesh. Having now covered those basics, I’d like to dig into some more in-depth content focused on the basics of Envoy configuration in a service mesh. Recall from the previous article that several different service meshes use Envoy. Istio is an example of a service mesh that leverages Envoy for its data planes.

8 Cloud Cost Optimization Tactics for Kubernetes

If you’ve ever gotten sticker shock after receiving a surprisingly large cloud bill, this might have been your reaction… I think we’ve all been there. While the cloud makes flexible scaling possible, it has also introduced many new services one can use, resulting in increased cloud costs. In this article, I’ll go over the eight ways you can reduce your Kubernetes cloud costs. I use Amazon Web Services (AWS) as an example, but the lessons can also apply to other cloud providers.

Feature Spotlight: API Dependency Graph

As APIs become more complex, it can be easy to accidentally break connections. To prevent this, Speedscale can automatically detect and make you aware of inbound and outbound transactions running through APIs in our API Dependency Graph. The Traffic Viewer dashboard makes this information visible to independent teams working on different services. In most organizations this information is usually only known by senior engineers, team leads, and architects.

How to Integrate Third-Party APIs Into Your Marketo Campaigns

With its comprehensive functionality and real-time data, Marketo is the leading marketing automation platform. However, it doesn’t integrate with every application out there which means that the full value of the platform is often not realised by many users. If you need data from a third-party API, here’s how to get it into your Marketo campaigns, ensuing that you successfully integrate third-party APIs.

Celebrating Four Years of Kong Inc.

What a year we have had! Hypergrowth, a huge community, and lots of recognition. But what we are most proud of is how Kong’s technology has impacted the world, thanks to our users. We can’t thank these users and the community enough for making Kong the most adopted open source API gateway out there. In fact, our technology just crossed 30,000+ stars on Github . And with over 2M instances and more than 257M downloads our OSS community has more than doubled over the last year.