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April 2022

10 tips for better pull requests and code review

Code review is a widely adopted approach in the world of software development. Having fellow developers check your code (and checking theirs in turn) helps eliminate mistakes, clean the codebase, and share knowledge across the team. But as helpful as it is, code review can still be quite stressful and time consuming.

Test Management Case for Github : Retain Test Runs or Save Permanently Feature for Tests & Cycles

In this video we have a close look to the Save Permanently feature. It saves the Test Run Results from being deleted if you have the automatic delete feature enabled. This TestQuality App feature is part of your Site Maintenance if you wish to remove your Test Run data and this can be automated with the settings in the Cycle to remove all runs and it is called "Retain Runs" (how many runs you wish to retain for that particular cycle with "0" meaning "Disable").