Understanding Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
Cumulative Layout Shift or CLS, Web Vitals and Core Web Vitals, these terms seem complicated, but it’s actually not that hard to understand what they stand for.
Cumulative Layout Shift or CLS, Web Vitals and Core Web Vitals, these terms seem complicated, but it’s actually not that hard to understand what they stand for.
If you know nothing about your customers’ experience with your website, Google Lighthouse might be the right tool for you. Google Lighthouse is an open source automated website auditing tool from Google, used for discovering issues and opportunities to improve the overall user experience of your website.
Website owners commonly ask why they need a website performance load tester. Throughout web history, some extremely popular sites have had their fair share of serious downtimes. Either they get massive traffic volumes, or their website simply crashes. Thus, web performance load tester services check the application’s ability to perform under anticipated user loads.
Every Rails app has a breaking point; a level of activity that it simply cannot handle. Your braking point depends on big architectural decisions, yes — and also on the tiniest changes committed by your most junior developer. That's why it's vital to regularly test your application's performance under load. In this article, Milap Neupane gives us a Rails-centric introduction to load testing with a powerful open-source tool called JMeter.
It is important that web applications are optimized to ensure the best application performance for the end user. PHP developers can improve website performance by load testing their PHP website. Load testing checks the rigidity, speed, interoperability of the system, and the performance and the reliability of a PHP website.
The execution order of the elements in an Apache JMeter performance test plan is very important, it helps understand the timeline of events and how your test will behave. Make sure that you understand every JMeter element before adding it to your test plan, this will help create faster performance tests and not jump into various errors.
Website load testing services determine how websites deal with online traffic. Too often, people equate it with performance testing. However, load testing is just a type of website performance testing. Other types of performance testing include endurance testing, volume testing, scalability testing, spike testing, and stress testing. In website deployment, it is common that transactions may fail and systems crash. It is due to concurrent demands on the website and adjustment over resources.
k6 v0.29.0 introduced xk6 and k6 extensions to the k6 community. 🎁🎉💪 You can now extend the functionality of k6 using Go-based k6 extensions and import them as JS modules in your k6 script. This feature opens the gates for anyone to use existing k6 extensions and write custom Go extensions for special requirements. Before this release, importing JavaScript libraries was the only possibility to extend k6.
November was a big month for Loadero in terms of updates. We were working on the compute units feature for a long time and are very happy that now we provide our customers even more control over configuring test participants. We improved our test runner stability and made some important fixes. We are proud to share what has been updated and are sure that this will help you to run even better tests with us.